5 Simple Hand Mudras for Migraine and Headache Relief

lily kk
1 min readNov 12, 2022



The presence of a headache may indicate a problem with a person’s psychological, emotional, or physical makeup. Additionally, poor breathing also contributes to headaches, which Pranayama effectively addresses.

Mudras have been used extensively to treat common health issues, such as headaches. It endows us with dynamic abilities to nourish our bodies’ subtler aspects.

Why It’s Advantageous

People with thyroid disease, insulin resistance, obesity, and high blood pressure are more likely to experience migraine headaches.

The endocrine system, which is made up of several glands that release various hormones, is directly stimulated by yoga mudras.

Mudra practice on a regular basis helps in the body’s “5 Prana Vayus — the vital energy” being in balance. The neurological system is stimulated by prana, which also relaxes the excessive stimulus that causes headaches.

The acupuncture points on the hands’ surface that correspond to different bodily parts provide mudras their healing effect.

These five hand gestures will illuminate the brain region and send all subtle body awareness into the headache-affected location. Consequently, it is simple to get over a headache.

  1. Mahasirs Mudra
  2. Prana Mudra
  3. Sahasrara Mudra
  4. Trimukha Mudra
  5. Gyan Mudra

For more details Please visit here: https://health-fitness-bylily.blogspot.com/2022/11/5-simple-hand-mudras-for-migraine-and.html

