Use these 15 mini-resolutions to get in the zone in 2023

4 min readJan 4, 2023


Wondering how to get back into zone after the holidays? January is a great time of year to hit the refresh button on your inbox and career.

Here are 15 mini-resolutions to get you back into the swing of things: 🧵

1) Send a Thank You letter to a coworker, boss, or mentor.

Nothing makes you stand out more these days than a handwritten card. Start the New Year off with good vibes by sending a written Thank You note to someone at work who deserves it.

2) Write to someone you admire professionally.

Research a professional you admire. Look at their work history and post about them on LinkedIn (or in a private message).

3) Call an old coworker you no longer work with.

You never know when you might want to work with an old coworker again.

4) Set a year-long reading goal.

Is there a professional journal or magazine you’d like to subscribe to? Maybe there is a set of books in your industry that are must-reads?

Make a list of books that you’d like to read this year.

5) Change one part of your daily work routine.

Do you usually check your email first thing? Try putting it off until noon. Do you sit at your desk during lunch? Try going out with friends or taking a walk around the office.

6) Introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met before at work.

Try introducing yourself officially to that person you pass in the hallway (or who posts on Slack) and say “hello”!

7) Clean out your desk.

A messy desk might mean you’re a creative thinker, but that doesn’t mean we have to be dirty. Take 10 minutes to clean and re-organize a drawer or toss old papers and wipe down the surface (especially if you eat lunch at your desk).

8) Make a professional bucket list for the year.

Is there a project you want to work do? A specific team you want to work with? Maybe you want to try working with a different department. Put the list somewhere you’ll see it, and mark items off as you accomplish them.

9) Clean out your entire inbox.

Productivity experts say to ignore email. Set rules for emails to go to certain folders and only click on ones that lead to more productivity. Think of the benefits of an empty inbox. What’s more productive than being able to start fresh?

10) Set year-long calendar reminders.

Go through your calendar and mark down important dates and reminders. Coworkers’ and friends’ birthdays, work anniversaries, and project due dates. Set reminders when you’d like to achieve items on your professional bucket list.

11) Write down three good things at the end of the workday.

It’s easy to get bogged down in work stress and drama. Try jotting down three good things that happened at work each day. It can be surprising what a mindset difference it can make.

12) Review your paycheck.

When was the last time you looked at your pay stub? Review how much you’re contributing to your 401k and see if you can contribute a percent or two more.

13) Stop working with your phone out.

Put your phone on silent or keep it in a desk drawer. If you need it for work, set your phone up so that only certain contacts make it through. In Irresistible: In one study, participants’ anxiety rose while sleeping next to a fake phone.

14) Try a standing desk.

Sitting kills. That’s what the studies say. Try standing at your desk instead of sitting. If you don’t have a standing desk, set your phone to remind yourself to take standing breaks.

15) Deep clean your phone.

Delete apps you no longer use. Try a page out of Cal Newport’s book and delete all social media apps off your phone for 30 days (or 1).

Did you know your phone is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat? Invest in a UV-C phone cleaner like PhoneSoap.

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