End-of-year Reflection: A message about empowerment

Time to write a new story

3 min readDec 20, 2023

✨ All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players. 🎭

PHEW! Here we are. . . at the so-called end of yet another year.

And now, we. . . Pause. Reflect. Evaluate.

Most importantly, we give Grace. To ourselves. For all those conquered challenges. And the missed opportunities. For all those personal milestones which came with a bang, or went away with a whimper.

We endured, course corrected, ignored, forgave, yelled, cried, cussed [colorfully] . . . but, we survived.

So, let me be the first to congratulate you on making it through!

The biggest lesson for me this year was centered around SELF-CONCEPT.

Who am I?

What am I meant to do?

What’s the meaning of all this?

Btw, an interesting journaling question, if you’re so inclined. Our subconscious holds magnificent surprises.

All of this boiled down to one simple point: I am whoever I choose to be. I can achieve everything I feel worthy enough to achieve. I can assign whatever meaning I want to events, or simply let them float by.

All in all, everything begins and ends with ME. #humblebrag. I’m Thor, not Mjolnir.

So, I stop worrying about people-pleasing and start self-pleasing.

No Pun Intended.


Well. . . I write it.

So, here’s my resolution: I’m going to write the best story of my life this coming year. I’ll laugh — I’ll cry — I’ll bang my head against a wall, and then get a facial to make sure there’s no scar —

but I’ll WRITE MY STORY . . . A story in which I’m the lead of my narrative.

The engaging hook to my life’s reel. The hero of my journey. The creator of my creation.


Common methods of re-writing and re-framing our brains are by now, well known!

But I’ll repeat them here, anyways:

  1. Scripting
  2. Affirmations and Visualizing
  3. A new method that I discovered recently, and am excited to try is called: ASKFIRMATIONS. [Here’s a wonderful article that talks about Askfirmations in great detail].

A GOOD PRACTICE is to implement one or all of these techniques every night, before going to bed. So, our subconscious mind has all night to keep working on it, and create solutions.

Remember, consistency is key:)


In my opinion, consistency isn’t about robotically working on a ‘thing’ day after day, night after night. All it does is set us up for failure when we miss a day, when life happens, or when the human body demands attention.

It’s about implementing the BEST PRACTICES that compliment your lifestyle, your priorities, and your emotional health. In short, COMMITTING to showing up as your best self. Then, FOLLOWING THROUGH with it. Regularly. And cutting yourself some SLACK when practical life intrudes.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

In short, it’s time to write a new story. A story that’s about your heart’s desires and soul purpose!

What story are you ready to write?

Happy Holidays! THANK YOU for all the memories! See you in 2024!

Much Love & Best Wishes,


P.S. My intention is to connect and create a safe space for all those who desire to live a heart-centered life! Please share your TAKEAWAYS about this article below:)

Photo Credits: www.unsplash.com




Empower yourself: TAP into your Inner Power. RISE above toxic circumstances, & MANIFEST your dream life. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/@iamlilyshaw