5 Ways To Manifest Your Dream Life Right Now!

Juliana Lim
5 min readJul 1, 2022


Before we start, ponder on these self-investigating questions first:

  1. What do you want your dream life to be?
  2. What is it that you want 1 hour from now?
  3. What do you want in a year right now?
  4. What do you feel about your current state?
  5. What do you think your future self will feel like living in your dream life?
  6. Who are the people you want to be with you in your dream life?
  7. What do you think is your dream self’s routine?
  8. What do you think is the mindset that your future self has?

Take a moment to consider and respond to these questions, preferably in a more conducive setting and environment. Look at something and really question yourself with curiosity in your desires.

Now bring yourself back to the present moment. You have to understand that awareness is power. Awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and dreams is the power that will create your life. Do you believe in manifesting? What do you think of the idea of manifesting something? Do you feel guilt? Nervous? Doubtful? You see, the basicity of those emotions that you feel is rooted in a place of unworthiness, and that is not a good feeling. You are alive. You have lived on a journey that has caused you pain in the past. Don’t you think it is cruel enough that you don’t get the life that you deserve? That is sad, and it is the right time to change that perspective.

The first thing you should do is write down five things that you believe make you worthy and validated. Make a list of those things and assess their worth.

Take note: Once you love yourself, the universe will fall in love with you.

Now, if you’re done and ready to embark on a journey with things of your dreams coming effortlessly smooth and easy, we can now start.

Five Ways to Manifest Your Dream Life Right Now!

  1. Affirmation

What: “Affirmations” are affirmative statements that you say on a daily basis.

The goal is to make your subconscious believe it! By believing that you are healthy and creating your own life by making your mind abide by your beliefs. I believe that you are smart and you will be. The best way to reach your subconscious mind is through habits of action twinned with feelings of confirmation.


Conscious mind (you are rich)

Subconscious mind (eh?)

Emotions (gratitude and happiness)

Subconscious mind (oh, we’re rich?)

As that daily affirmation through the conscious mind combined with the confirmation of conscious emotions, your subconscious mind will now relieve the once held belief.

2. Journaling

You probably heard of this, and each person is saying different tips on how to do this. Whether it is the 369 method, the listing method, and others, it all has the same purpose of imposing an affirmative thought through habits of actions. Manifestation is simply changing the blueprint of the past in order to move forward in life.

This is an alternative to affirmations if you prefer writing and feeling rather than speaking and feeling.

Sample 1:

I am grateful for _____.

I am thankful for _____.

i am happy for _____.

Sample 2:

List all the things you want and sign your name at the bottom and write “thank you” three times while feeling the emotions.

The goal is to make your subconscious believe it!

3. Law of Attraction

I highly recommend the book “Ask and It is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks because that book explains the idea of the law of attraction in the best way possible.

Now, if you are into movies rather than books, I highly suggest you watch the movie “The Secret.” It tackles the same things as Esther and Jerry Hicks, but it is more focused on sharing evidence of how the law of attraction worked for the people they gathered.

The concept is simple: you attract that which you are.

In order to attract what you want, you have to feel it. You have to match the feelings of your future self where that dream has already exist. Feel the gratitude every second of every day as long as it is not yet there. It will be, but not yet. The waiting stage is the preparation stage of test. You have to anticipate that it is coming and be grateful that it is coming! Then let it go. If you reached this stage you should have enough faith and belief by now because the law of attraction doesn’t go hand in hand with doubt.

4. Law of Assumption

This law is almost the same as the law of attraction. But instead of anticipating the receipt of your dream, you fool your mind into thinking you already have it. You assume that you already have it and that it could multiply the speed of your manifestation because your subconscious mind believes that it is already here, right now!

5. Active shifting.

You must have heard a lot of different things about shifting, but the concept I am presenting to you is actively shifting your mind. Everything that has happened in your past must stay in the past. Stop bringing what has already happened to what is happening because it can affect the things that are still in the process of becoming. We all do things we are not proud of. We all do things we are ashamed of. Repent and then move forward! Stop dwelling on the past because the past does not define you. Wake up each day with a shifted mindset and routine. Normally, you would sulk and be sad at 9 a.m., but today you will rejoice and be grateful! You can’t expect good things to come to you when you crave feeling bad! That doesn’t make sense. Actively shift your mindset and feelings in order to shift your reality away from that program of self-destruction. Change now!

If you like what you’ve read, please follow me to receive more amazing content! Check my other social media accounts, especially my Pinterest, because I have a board full of affirmations and manifestation tips!

Remember to change your mind to change your life! Have a good day!


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Email 📩 : lim.juliana.888@gmail.com
Pinterest 📱: https://pin.it/4YRLFE4
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Juliana Lim

I write about self-development, finance, and spirituality. Follow me for my next contents! :) https://linktr.ee/julianamarielim