Juliana Lim
5 min readJul 19, 2022


We have always heard the statements

  1. It’s in the mindset.
  2. You just need the proper mindset.
  3. You need to upgrade your perspective in life.
  4. You just have to master your mind.
  5. You need discipline.
  6. You need a better view in life.
  7. That’s just your thoughts.

These statements are very popular and common to those developing books, podcasts, and videos. At first, I get so triggered because these statements sound like they come from someone with privilege. But, one day, I tried to open my mind in neutrality: no bias and no hard opinions. I learned that our minds can indeed be the cause of our suffering. I heard on one random podcast on YouTube that every memory has an emotion attached to it. So the moment you relieve a memory, you relive it. It will inevitably make you sad. Now, imagine that the wiring of memory is always lighting up for the number of times you keep repeating this on yourself. That obsessive behavior will make you obsessed with the emotions attached to it. If you like to relive happy memories, you’ll most likely seek comfort in happy thoughts. If you like to relive sad or angry memories, you’ll start seeking out ways to feel those emotions. Our minds pick up habitual actions and thoughts.

A happy mind seeks a happy life. A happy mind looks for happiness because it is the comfort of your mind. Have you ever met a person who seems to always find the positive side in everything? Right, because their mind only validates happiness, sadness is uncomfortable for them.

A sad mind seeks a sad life. A sad mind looks for sadness because it provides comfort for the mind. That is why you sometimes crave reading books that have a sad ending or you like thinking negatively in some way. You don’t like to be sad, but you crave it because you find happiness uncomfortable.

I was one of them as well, and I still carry trauma from my childhood.Past painful experiences that left a sour taste in my mouth.I don’t like the heavy feeling of these emotions, but the positive side seems to be wishful thinking. As I write this article, I am fueled with determination to help more people, as someone who was addicted to the blues and suddenly loves the yellows.

These are the 10 ways you can change your mind to change your life:

  1. Set a goal.

I want you to set at least one goal per day. If you enjoy reading, read one book per day; if you enjoy dancing, dance to the entire song. A goal is something you set and achieve! This is not a wish list where you just look at it with a wishful mindset. You have to do it. This is the best way to program your mind to crave a goal.

2. Heal yourself.

We all have past traumas, whether in our past relationships with people or past events that wound us. This is a signal to heal yourself through shadow work. I know it hurts, and I know that it’s hard to let go, but you have to. Just a simple reminder that life goes on and you have to. You should not be bound by your past, nor should you be paralyzed by fear of the future. The best way I could advise you to do this is through meditation. It increases your inclination to the present and it can help you heal.

3. Find an educational book to read.

If you are healing yourself, I think it’s best to stay away for a while from other genres of books where the plots can manipulate your emotions in some way. Read educational books, whether by Napoleon Hill or a book that will help you achieve your next goal, for a period of time until you can fully control your emotions. Your emotions have been exercised for years through the books you read. Shift to educational books to exercise your intellectual department more.

4. Change your habit.

Your habits can shape your mind. List the things you usually do on a daily basis and track how many days, months, or years you have been doing this habit.

5. Reprogram your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind only accepts information with no bias, be it positive or negative. So your goal is to make sure that the information your subconscious mind is going to pick up is full of positivity. Choose to be happy by shifting your attention away from people or things that serve no purpose.

6. Seek things out of your comfort zone.

Be an adventurer. When you were a kid, you were braced with curiosity that fed your satisfaction with no point to entertaining fear. If you want to start a YouTube account because it seems fun, go for it. If it didn’t work, that’s okay. If it worked, better. Just do something and think once it’s done.

7. Awareness

Be aware. Make sure you understand the concept that if it is not within your control, it is not your concern. Focus on what you can do and change, and if it is outside of the two, let it be.

8. Having a solid mindset

This is simple. Be obsessed with positivity. A solid mindset is characterized by unwavering positivity against the odds of negativity.

9. Building on concrete life principles

Your life principles will be your light to guide you to what you should or should not do. These are your set beliefs of what to avoid while you are hyper focused in life. Make sure to do this with a level head and with accurate consistency to stick and follow these principles.

10. Set up a new routine

List a new set of routines within your day. Do you want to start working out? Do you want at least 30 minutes of meditating? That is all yours to choose. Make sure that you use a timer for more efficient and effective results.

A reminder that those 10 ways can be done alone, but you can do them all at once. The important thing is consistency. That’s why I advise you to pick at least 3 of those and apply them religiously in your life. Remember, change does not happen overnight, but if continued, can change a lifetime. Nitpick your way to which you want to apply in your life and send me a message or comment here after a while if you find progress or improvement. I would love to hear your journey.

May the odds be on your side and come to your aid!


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Juliana Lim

I write about self-development, finance, and spirituality. Follow me for my next contents! :)