Juliana Lim
7 min readJul 18, 2022



Ponder on these questions below; answer them all truthfully to understand the things you should do in your mind:

  1. Do you randomly feel sad or mad because of a thought that just pops out of nowhere?
  2. How many thoughts, on average, do you think per day that are associated with your past?
  3. How many thoughts, on average, do you think per day that are associated with your future?
  4. Are the things you do on a daily basis well thought out or just lived?
  5. What are the three things you are proud of that you do every day?
  6. What is your main goal in life?
  7. What are the steps you take on a daily basis that are directed towards reaching your main goal in life?

The mind is the decision maker of a person. When you do things, whether you are aware of it or not, your mind has a certain control over you. From the basics of breathing, eating, thinking, and so much more. You have to understand that the only thing that is stopping you from reaching your goal, that is within your control, is your mind. Your mind is the best thing you should master to understand and conquer life. Have you ever wanted to start something, such as a business, blog, content creation, a job, or something else, but were discouraged because you silently imagined the worst-case scenario?

You can’t wish for a positive life while thinking negative thoughts. You can’t do anything during the day when your mind is already convinced of not doing anything. Unless you have already reached your goal, laziness is not an option. Laziness is the result of a lack of goal. You don’t need determination and motivation; you just need to want something. Those two things can not be fired up in your mind before you decide to do anything. You need desire and then discipline. All things from then to now should be fueled by discipline and not determination. You don’t wake up early in the morning to meditate because you want to, you wake up early because you need to.

Train your brain to think about what it is not used to and you find yourself being split into halves. The amount of time it takes you to master proactive thoughts determines your level of discipline. If it takes your inner battle 30 minutes to control your bran, you are in dire need of discipline.

You want to be happy? Choose to be happy. You feel sad. Those are your emotions. You have to be greater than those. It is not a good feeling to be sad and angry, but why do you seek comfort in those emotions? Because of habit, you are becoming addicted to that level of mind and you have to stop it before you are a slave to it.

In this discussion, we are going to tackle the topic of conquering your mind in two minutes. Make sure to follow these steps precisely and do not skip one just because you feel like it. Your brain should be stronger than your emotions.

10 ways to control your mind in 2 minutes:

  1. Close your eyes and sit in an Indian position with your spine straight.

Drink, pee, do whatever you need to do because once you start step one, all movements are prohibited except raising your chest to breathe. Through this way your mind will learn to follow by command. Raise your awareness.

2. Recite the alphabet.

Recite it from A-Z with steady breaths. This is to make your mind think of what you want to think about. Focus on your recitation through your mind and eliminate all thoughts that are trying to squeeze their way in.

3. Continue to recite, but this time with 20–0

At this step, you are probably more relaxed compared to the alphabet recitation because your mind is slowly following your command. This is the basic training of making your mind think of thoughts you only want to think about.

4. Once your mind is clear, think of seven positive things in your life.

This is a practice to align your mind and your emotions. Make both your states in sync by thinking of positive things and feeling positive. Once you feel that alignment, you’ll feel more free and light.

5. Think of six things you are grateful for.

While you list the things you are grateful for in your mind, Make sure to feel really grateful for it. Take note that the purpose of this part is to align your consciousness and subconsciousness.

6. Think of five things you are proud of.

Your conscious mind thinks of thousands of thoughts per day, and your subconscious mind particularly picks those thoughts that are validated with emotions. Whether it is positive or negative, your goal is to clear all negative confirmations that are making the pattern of your life stink.

7. Think of four things you are good at.

This is an important step because most of the time, doubt comes from a lack of feeling of worthiness. You have to list things you are good at. It does not have to be special. Maybe you can fix a Rubik's cube, you can speak two languages, and all the good stuff you are good at! This is to validate your worthiness through thought confirmation, and it is important to feel good!

8. Think of three things you love about yourself.

Loving yourself is the first step to having a loving life. Is it your hair? Do you like your shiny hair? Is it that you are good at empathizing with people? Is it your amazing musical talent? Whatever that is, you have to really feel love while thinking of these loving things about you.

9. Think of two things you love about life.

Thinking about something from the inside and reflecting it on the outside. What are the things you love about your life? What are these things: family, friends, food, your home, or your pet?

10. Resize your vision while your eyes are closed to the universe.

Focus on the beating of your heart and then slowly imagine yourself in that position while your eyes close in a third point of view. Slowly fly your vision in a bird’s eye view. Look around at the sky and the houses or buildings that surround your view. How many people live there with their own lives? How many people are dreaming of dreams that are so much like yours? You are one with all of these things. Feel connected and, if needed, fly your vision further until you can see the earth and the rest of the planets. How big the universe is and how you are part of it. Feel the feelings of validation, worthiness, freedom, joy, and connection. Now open your eyes and hug yourself.

Darlings, you are loved. If you don’t feel like you have anyone to love, love you! Starting today, be obsessed with happiness and love. If it serves you no good, leave it out for good. You only have a short time to be addicted to things that make you sick. Choose to be happy. Choose love. Choose you.

Take note: I usually say in this part of my other articles how it is important to nitpick the things you wish to apply in your life from what you read. But this time I want you to follow everything on the list. Do it all, or do nothing at all.

May the odds be on your side and come to your aid!


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Juliana Lim

I write about self-development, finance, and spirituality. Follow me for my next contents! :) https://linktr.ee/julianamarielim