When is the best time to workout ? morning or evening ?

Aboubakar Limangana
11 min readMay 8, 2024


A man running on sand field

It’s a seemingly simple question that’s plagued by a multitude of conflicting answers, rooted in research findings that often seem at odds with one another.

The most recent contribution to this ongoing debate comes from a team of Australian researchers who assert that the evening might just be the optimal time to engage in physical activity, particularly for individuals grappling with obesity. Their study, which scrutinized a sizable cohort of 30,000 middle-aged individuals with obesity, uncovered a startling revelation: those who exercised in the evening were 28 percent less likely to succumb to any cause of death compared to their counterparts who opted for morning or afternoon workouts.

Lead researcher Angelo Sabag, an exercise physiologist at the University of Sydney, expressed astonishment at the magnitude of this discrepancy. While the team anticipated some benefit from evening exercise, the extent of the risk reduction took them by surprise. This raises the intriguing possibility that perhaps those who prefer to swim in the evening or run at night have been onto something significant all along.

However, as Juleen Zierath, a physiologist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, aptly points out, the matter is far from settled. She emphasizes that this realm of research is still in its nascent stages, with numerous experiments yet to be conducted and insights gleaned. The scientific community continues to accumulate knowledge on this topic at a rapid pace, learning valuable lessons with each passing month.

It’s crucial to recognize that no single study should be viewed as the definitive answer regarding the optimal time for exercise. For many individuals, the decision ultimately hinges on a combination of factors such as fitness objectives, work commitments, and personal preferences. Nonetheless, certain times of day may offer subtle advantages, depending on the specific goals one aims to achieve.

Morning workouts, for instance, are often lauded for their convenience and potential benefits for heart health, as suggested by numerous studies. Yet, the ultimate determining factor should be what works best for each individual. Whether it’s seizing the dawn for a brisk jog or unwinding with an evening yoga session, the key is to find a routine that aligns with one’s lifestyle and fosters consistency in physical activity.

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Benefits of morning workout

The notion of morning exercise as a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle has garnered considerable attention in recent years, supported by a growing body of research highlighting its potential benefits across various facets of health and well-being. A study conducted in 2022 shed light on the significant advantages that morning workouts may confer, particularly in relation to heart health. Moreover, emerging evidence suggests that engaging in physical activity during the morning hours could contribute to improved sleep quality, further bolstering its appeal as a preferred exercise window.

The impact of morning exercise on weight management has also been a subject of considerable interest among researchers. A recent investigation published in the journal Obesity offered compelling insights into this realm. Conducted last year, the study revealed a notable correlation between exercise timing and body mass index (BMI), with individuals who engaged in workouts between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. exhibiting a lower BMI compared to their counterparts who exercised later in the day or at night. While this study did not track participants over an extended period, unlike the Australian study referenced earlier, which followed individuals for an average duration of eight years, its findings underscore the potential role of morning exercise in supporting weight loss efforts.

Beyond the physiological benefits, the allure of morning exercise extends to its practical implications for individuals navigating busy schedules and competing demands. Shawn Youngstedt, an esteemed exercise science professor at Arizona State University, emphasizes the convenience factor associated with morning workouts. For many individuals, the early hours of the day offer a precious window of opportunity when schedules are less likely to be encumbered by commitments such as work meetings, social engagements, or leisure activities. This inherent flexibility lends itself to the seamless integration of exercise into the morning routine, unencumbered by the distractions and obligations that often characterize later hours. While the initial adjustment to early morning workouts may pose a challenge for some, the absence of conflicts with daily responsibilities such as Zoom calls or social outings underscores the practicality and appeal of prioritizing exercise during this timeframe. Thus, the convenience and accessibility of morning exercise serve as compelling arguments for its adoption, offering a pragmatic solution amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Man running on a treadmill

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Benefits of afternoon workout

Understanding the optimal timing for workouts is a multifaceted puzzle, one that extends beyond mere convenience and delves into the intricate workings of the human body. While morning exercise has long been championed for its ability to kickstart the day and enhance productivity, recent findings suggest that the best workout time, particularly for elite athletes, may not align with the typical morning routine for many individuals.

Body temperature emerges as a critical factor influencing athletic performance, with fluctuations throughout the day impacting energy levels and physical capabilities. In the morning, body temperature tends to be lower, gradually rising to a peak in the late afternoon. This natural rhythm can significantly affect performance during workouts. Several small-scale studies focusing on competitive athletes have shed light on this phenomenon, indicating that lower body temperature in the morning may hinder optimal performance. However, the incorporation of warm-up exercises has been shown to mitigate this effect, underscoring the importance of preparatory measures in maximizing athletic potential. In contrast, afternoon workouts have been associated with improved performance and extended sleep duration among elite athletes, suggesting that timing plays a pivotal role in optimizing training regimens.

For those fortunate enough to have the luxury of ample time, another intriguing factor comes into play: the potential benefits of napping prior to exercise. A small-scale study conducted in New Zealand highlighted the positive impact of pre-workout naps, suggesting that incorporating this practice into one’s routine could enhance overall performance and recovery. However, for the majority of individuals navigating busy schedules and competing demands, finding the ideal time to exercise remains a balancing act.

Insights from a comprehensive Chinese study, encompassing a staggering 92,000 participants, offer valuable guidance on optimal workout timing for heart health. Contrary to conventional wisdom, which often emphasizes morning exercise for cardiovascular benefits, the study’s findings suggest that the window between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. may yield the greatest advantages in terms of heart health. This divergence from previous beliefs underscores the complex interplay between exercise timing and individual physiological characteristics.

Dr. Sabag, reflecting on his own research findings, highlights the importance of considering population-specific factors when evaluating the impact of exercise timing. While his study focused exclusively on individuals with obesity, the Chinese study encompassed a broader demographic spectrum. Dr. Sabag suggests that individuals with obesity may exhibit heightened sensitivity to the effects of exercise timing, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches to maximize health outcomes.

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Benefits of evening workout

While the latest study doesn’t definitively close the chapter on the exercise timing debate, it does present compelling evidence suggesting that individuals grappling with obesity might reap significant benefits from engaging in physical activity later in the day.

The link between exercise and insulin sensitivity lies at the heart of this revelation. Insulin, a hormone crucial for regulating blood sugar levels, becomes more effective at lowering glucose levels in response to physical activity. This mechanism not only helps stave off weight gain but also serves as a potent defense against Type 2 diabetes, a pervasive and debilitating consequence of obesity.

Dr. Sabag, the lead researcher behind the study, sheds light on the significance of evening exercise in combating insulin resistance. He explains that during the evening hours, the body tends to exhibit heightened insulin resistance, meaning it becomes less responsive to the hormone’s blood sugar-lowering effects. However, by engaging in exercise during this period, individuals can counteract this natural decline in insulin sensitivity. Through consistent physical activity, they can effectively lower their blood glucose levels, thereby mitigating the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Despite the potential benefits of evening exercise, concerns about its impact on sleep quality have lingered. The fear that vigorous physical activity before bedtime could disrupt sleep patterns has been a persistent deterrent for many. However, some experts argue that these worries may be exaggerated. While it’s true that intense workouts can temporarily elevate heart rate and adrenaline levels, leading to a sense of alertness, this effect tends to dissipate relatively quickly post-exercise. Moreover, regular exercise has been shown to promote overall sleep quality and duration, suggesting that the potential benefits of evening workouts may outweigh any transient disruptions in sleep patterns.

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Why the timing may not matter

While the plethora of studies exploring the relationship between exercise timing and health outcomes are undeniably intriguing, it’s essential to recognize that none of them provide definitive answers. The majority of these studies establish correlations between exercise times and various health benefits, rather than establishing causation, leaving room for interpretation and further investigation.

One long-standing concern among experts has been the potential impact of evening workouts on sleep quality. However, recent research has challenged this notion, suggesting that evening exercise could actually confer benefits, particularly for individuals grappling with obesity. This paradigm shift underscores the dynamic nature of scientific inquiry and the importance of remaining open to new evidence.

Dr. Shawn Youngstedt, a prominent figure in exercise science, highlights the challenge of conducting a definitive study on exercise timing. He suggests that the ideal approach would involve randomly assigning individuals to different exercise times, a methodology that is not only logistically complex but also financially prohibitive for academic researchers.

Despite the lack of conclusive evidence regarding optimal exercise timing, there is unanimous agreement among public health experts that combatting sedentary behavior is paramount. The overarching message is clear: any form of movement is beneficial for overall health and well-being.

Dr. Sabag emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities for exercise whenever they arise, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability in one’s approach to physical activity. This sentiment is echoed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a renowned figure in the fitness world, who, in a recent newsletter, cited a study suggesting that the timing of exercise may not significantly impact outcomes. Schwarzenegger’s personal preference for morning workouts reflects the individualized nature of exercise habits, emphasizing the importance of finding what works best for each person.

In the ever-evolving discourse surrounding exercise timing, one steadfast principle reigns supreme: prioritize physical activity in a manner that aligns seamlessly with your lifestyle and personal preferences. While researchers and fitness enthusiasts alike continue to dissect the nuances of when to work out for optimal results, the overarching consensus underscores the importance of consistency and dedication to a regular exercise routine.

Whether you’re an early riser who relishes the invigorating energy of a morning jog, a night owl who finds solace in the tranquility of an evening yoga session, or someone who prefers to squeeze in a midday workout during a lunch break, the key lies in finding a rhythm that resonates with your individual needs and preferences. After all, the most effective exercise regimen is one that you can sustainably integrate into your daily life, fostering a sense of fulfillment and well-being.

Consider the example of Angelina, a busy professional balancing a demanding career with family responsibilities. Despite her hectic schedule, Angelina recognizes the importance of prioritizing her health and well-being. While she initially struggled to find time for exercise amidst her packed agenda, she discovered that carving out a dedicated slot for morning workouts provided a much-needed boost to her energy levels and mood. By setting her alarm a bit earlier each day and lacing up her running shoes before the sun rises, Angelina kickstarts her mornings on a positive note, setting a precedent for a productive day ahead.

Moreover, Angelina’s morning exercise routine serves as a valuable opportunity for self-care and introspection, allowing her to clear her mind and focus on her physical and mental well-being before diving into the demands of her day. Over time, the consistency of her morning workouts has become a cornerstone of her routine, instilling a sense of discipline and resilience that permeates other aspects of her life.

In the end, whether it’s morning, evening, or any time in between, the key takeaway is this: prioritize physical activity in a manner that feels authentic and sustainable for you. By embracing a routine that resonates with your lifestyle and preferences, you’ll not only reap the physical benefits of exercise but also cultivate a sense of balance, vitality, and fulfillment that extends far beyond the confines of the gym or workout studio.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a “best” time of day to exercise for weight loss?

A: While some studies suggest that morning workouts may offer advantages for weight management, such as increased metabolism and potential appetite suppression throughout the day, the most crucial factor for weight loss is consistency and adherence to a regular exercise routine. Ultimately, the best time to exercise for weight loss is the time that fits best with your schedule and allows you to maintain consistency over the long term.

Q: Can exercising at night affect sleep quality?

A: While there is some concern that vigorous physical activity close to bedtime may disrupt sleep patterns due to increased heart rate and adrenaline levels, the impact of evening exercise on sleep quality varies from person to person. For some individuals, evening workouts may have no adverse effects on sleep and may even promote relaxation and stress reduction. However, it is essential to listen to your body and pay attention to how exercise timing affects your sleep patterns personally.

Q: Are there specific exercises that are better suited for morning or evening workouts?

A: The choice of exercises for morning or evening workouts largely depends on individual preferences, goals, and energy levels. Morning workouts may be ideal for activities that help energize and awaken the body, such as brisk walks, yoga, or cardio exercises. In contrast, evening workouts may be better suited for activities aimed at winding down and promoting relaxation, such as gentle stretching, Pilates, or meditation. Ultimately, the most important factor is to choose exercises that you enjoy and that align with your fitness goals and schedule.



Aboubakar Limangana

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