About Qyndle

2 min readJun 3, 2019

Qyndle didn’t just start today, it was an evolution from different technologies we’ve built over the years. We have a deep desire to build technologies that would ultimately change how African business owners and entrepreneurs conduct businesses with customers, and with each other.

We believe herein the continent, lies hundreds of thousands of businesses with the potential to become million-dollar businesses, but, are lacking the right business tools and support to become such.

We also believe everyone should be able to partake and thrive in our economy. No business deserve to be left out of our economy because the cost is too great or the technology, too complex.

Our ultimate goal here at Qyndle, is to enrich people and businesses with a powerful suite of business tools. Tools that reduce the time from “I have an idea” to “my business is thriving” and “I can pay myself a salary and hire staff”.

We started with a simple inventory management system but we did not stop at that. As a business, you can

  • catalogue all products (tangible and digital)and services
  • manage inventory on sales and orders
  • profile and manage all customers
  • create/generate and send invoices and receipts with a simple click
  • fulfil orders with our 3rd party app FBQ
  • access capital for your business growth
  • and much more.

Whatever the size of your business, be assured we have the right tools for you to start, grow, and manage your entire business on the go.

When your business grows, it’s good business for everyone.

Got questions? We got answers. Shoot us a mail: qyndle@gmail.com

You can also visit our official website to find out more about us and sign up.




Transaction management system putting structure in every business.