47 min readAug 11, 2018
  • Cabal Crime, Mind Control Experimentation & Human Rights Violations Within “Mental Health Care” In Hospitals

I felt responsible to share my personal experiences somewhere in the public discourse to further expose the deep state cabal’s organized crimes & instigate the removal of these psychopaths from our society. What I write about here has not been addressed and is without a doubt still affecting victims directly. I experienced first hand the existence of a group of individuals above the law (referred to as the cabal) who I allege gang raped me & murdered my friend in Zuckerberg Hospital’s mental health unit in San Francisco. I witnessed truckloads of children being unloaded & loaded from large transport trucks at this hospital. I was held against my will in 5 different mental hospitals in CA, OR and CO although never disabled, a threat to myself or others. I allege I was electric shock treated & forcibly intravenously treated with chemicals without my consent. I witnessed the mental health system’s protection of a pedophile & disregard for my allegations of child sexual abuse while only allowing my release to my childhood perpetrator (I was 30). This account is focused on my direct experiences & personally witnessed testimony. I include spiritual & supernatural context- although some may think it discredits me- where it is essential to understanding the perpetrators’ motives & my involvement in the events. I include some seemingly irrelevant details because in the unlikely case others who know persons or places I mention see this article, I can cooberate them. If I am going to put myself under the microscope for ridicule/critique I may as well be thorough. I included a few external links to provide some social context. This article covers experiences in my life which are extremely difficult to revisit, including traumas which took decades to integrate into my psyche, so I apologize if it seems disjointed & rambling at times. My intention is to expose the crimes & human rights violations I witnessed personally in order to prevent what happened to me from ever happening in the future.

In two of the mental institutions I was hospitalized in, I witnessed crimes & mind control experiments by staff that have prompted my investigation into institutionalized elite crimes ever since. In the first hospital in Roseburg Oregon, Mercy Medical Center, in November 2001, I was put on an involuntary hold, treated as an observed behavioral specimen, & poisoned with pharmaceuticals without consent. I had never in my life posed an intentional danger to myself or others. At the time of this incarceration I was attending Linfield College as a sophomore on a “Presidential” (among other things, I had to fly out & meet with college president Vivian Bull to apply) full ride scholarship. Incidentally, the relatively small town of McMinnville OR where Linfield is located is an alleged hub of child trafficking, according to the ex-wife of a man who she says she discovered was in the business of making child snuff films. 2 & a half years after I began attending Linfield, in my fifth semester, I was passionately advocating a peace walk across the US as a media stunt to protest the Afghanistan war (after what many know to be the 9/11 false flag ritual murder event). At the time of my first psychiatric hold, I was manic as a result of sleep deprivation studying for finals, in the midst of a break up, & had alarmed friends with my dramatic ranting & pacing about campus as I planned my activist event. They tricked me into going to a hospital for evaluation by lying to me & telling me we were going to a rave. Based on my behavior & mental themes exhibited, I was quickly funneled to Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, OR. At Mercy, extensive interest & interviews were taken by examining docs regarding my spiritual beliefs, my LSD, psilicybin & ecstasy experimentation, & the manner in which I interacted with & affected other patients. These patients included a self-avowed serial killer who described making human skin teddy bears for his kids, & an Angelina Jolie doppleganger who liked to run out of the shower room naked & got very upset when I brought up the actress’s name. When I later read about Monarch handler Heinrich Mueller’s sons Theodore & Michael I had a recognition response, making me wonder if Michael aka Robin Hood was the serial killer in programming at Mercy, who told me his name was Michael Anthony. Most people would assume of course that he was lying to me or delusional, & my association too is pure speculation. I include the details of the names for anyone reading who is aware of the relatively small structure of Monarch programmers & handlers working in the United States since the 60s. There are claims that serial killers & terrorists have been programmed by deep state agents, including the testimonony of Aileen Wuornos that the government knew of her murders, but allowed them. False flag patsies & mass murderers are also alleged to have undergone mind control programming. I believe I was in treatment at a place that had both covert & overt purposes. I do remember I made the observing psychiatrists laugh when I popped into the self proclaimed serial killer’s room to kiss him on the cheek; I felt sorry for him & promised to buy him new shoes that had real laces someday, unlike our stupid slippers. At Mercy I was talked to extensively about Ken Kesey by a clinician (writing a book?) who claimed he had interviewed him “right before” he died that month. The connection to me was never explained. It seemed however, that the clinicians were exceedingly interested in the psychological effects of my recreational hallucinogen use. That hospital still employed the use of electric shock therapy at the time, and it was said they were so understaffed they medicated cafeteria food with sedatives to keep the inmates docile (I was advised to eat prepackaged foods only). I read later that Oregon was rated as having the most underfunded & understaffed mental health facilities in the country. I believe I was subjected to electroshock therapy, as I have all the post treatment physical symptoms-& that this treatment may be responsible for my almost total memory loss upon arrival at Mercy-but this was not disclosed to me. I often have one droopy eyelid in photos, consistent with electroshock treatment induced nerve damage. At one point clinicians threatened my family that I would be committed to the institution for life & would spend my future medicated & drooling in a chair since they “did not know what was wrong with me.” For one, my memory had been nearly completely erased with Thorazine (also perhaps due to electroshock, I struggled to remember my own name at first) upon arrival to Mercy. I woke up in the cliche white van with a grill between me & the drivers & no idea who I was, let alone where. The range & intensity of pharmaceutical drugs they force medicated me with there may have caused future health problems including kidney issues, balance issues & varicose veins (not to mention the PTSD of being held down by teams of people & forcibly injected with copious amounts of chemicals via needles while feeling your brain bleed/lose function) that trouble me to this day. My parents, traumatized by the whole experience as well, had flown in from CO & were there visiting daily & advocating against my permanent hospitalization. I was eventually put on a more benign lithium medication, given a type 1 bipolar diagnosis & transferred to a more conventional (without covert use) mental health facility, Mountain Crest Behavioral Health in Fort Collins, Colorado. I had been (permanently) diagnosed with one of our culture’s two major “mental illnesses” (the other is schizophrenia) not based on measurable science or the levels of any brain chemical, but on the subjective opinion of psychiatrist Dr. George Middlekauff. At Mountain Crest I attempted nearly successfully to escape, was eventually discharged (under a well intentioned Dr. Glenn Pearson) in care of my parents, immediately went off my psych meds, and slowly regained my previous memories, as well as most memories of the hospital experience. I did lose a scholarship to college worth roughly $80,000, most of my social credibility, & any faith I had in social institutions. Incidentally, Roseburg OR was the site of an alleged false flag shooting used to push gun control agendas in 2015. The mental health unit at Mercy was closed in 2007 due to “lost money in costs” & lack of funding, which caused the community to lament a lack of resources in the wake of the 2015 shooting. The hospital was Catholic affiliated & originally started by the Sisters of Mercy, which brings to mind other historically ignored church related cases such as this one in Vermont. I have yet to retrieve my full file from the Roseburg hospital due to the closure of the mental health dept., but I definitely remember Dr. George Middlekauff as my doctor, & the name Dr. Scott Mendelson as well. I been able to obtain no written record or hospital accountability for medications or treatments administered there. My roommate’s name was Faith, & there was a nurse who glued jewels to her face & dressed as a gypsy who ran occupational therapy, whom I liked. One Dr. looked exactly like Osama Bin Ladin clean shaven & dressed like an American with glasses. That sounds more than crazy, unless you consider the possibility that Mercy in Roseburg was used as front for CIA mind control conditioning & reprogramming… & the Bush family’s ties with the Saudis & their collusion on the 9/11 false flag ritual murder the same year. He had been on the news so much his face was very familiar. People may assume I’m delusionally transposing, but the mind control programs in our psychology system are responsible for many puppets in both politics & Hollywood who are used by the cabal to serve their political/business interests. This happens in science & education as well, as is now gradually being disclosed via document leaks & testimony to anyone who researches these topics. What I observed demonstrates that psychiatry’s primary function is not mental health at all, but simply the social engineering of society to protect & serve the interests of this criminal cabal. I wrote the attached shortly after my hospitalization in 2001.

9 years after the first hospitalization in OR, in 2011 I was 5150ed by my brother (again, not disabled, a danger to myself or anyone else) to the psychiatric ward of another hospital, San Francisco General Hospital (now called Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center) in California. I was admitted on 1/18/11 & discharged 1/31/11. The doctor said in my medical report I was hospitalized after my brother called the police because I was “bipolar, paranoid, & running away from her family.” I had been passionately telling my brother about things that concerned me… such as the CIA’s plots against the American people, Satanic cannibalism & pedophilia practiced by powerful “elites”, & my own experiance of sexual child abuse, none of which he believed in. At the time I was 30, I was not disabled or a threat to anyone, & it was my right to have my own opinions & to not want anything to do with my family. I was nonetheless taken away in handcuffs due to my brother’s complaints & admitted on Unit 7A legal status 5150, later discharged on Unit 7B legal status 5250. At one point during my involuntary hold at San Francisco General Hospital I was subjected to some kind of gang-rape ritual event by a group of assailants who cut my clothing off from the neck to the crotch with a blade. The same type of clothing removal happened in the emergency room after I wrecked my car once too, but I wasn’t strapped to a bed surrounded by perpetrators who took turns sexually assaulting me (I was quite drugged and blacked out quickly). I don’t know if the figures looming over me were any of the doctors & nurses I had encountered previously or if Id been removed from their care somehow for the purpose of the assault and battery. The perpetrators were wearing doctor & nurses clothing, but the light above was very bright & I recognized no faces. Afterwards I was sore & distraught but they left no visible bruises, marks or significant physical injuries that I remember. I was still quite bruised & sore from being beat up by Oakland cops prior to my hospitalization. I called a friend and reported my gang rape right after it happened, but was (obviously) disbelieved. Experiences there on the psych ward alternated between overt counseling/activities/assessments/visits/administration & covert behind the scenes events that those who were not present would probably never believe. A patient named Christina was selected to be killed or “disappeared” from the floor. I still have some of the art she made for me, although she had no contacts or relatives there at the hospital and I do not even know her last name. I’m not aware whether or not any other patients at the time had knowledge of either my rape or her murder, or experienced similar crimes. However the crimes can & did happen and I had no recourse but to file a civil personal injury suit in a case that is legally loaded against me, which I did file with the assistance of One Legal on 1/31/20. I did not witness Christina’s actual murder, although it was understood between at least her, myself and the staff what was happening. We knew the day before, & the next day they took her. & unfortunately I could do nothing & have no proof other than the trauma memories etched into my brain despite everything they did to erase them. I was told my failure to comply (I was unsure what was meant by this exactly) was responsible for her death. It’s possible I did see her death & blacked out. but I don’t remember it. People may think Christina could have merely been released; there should be records of her full name in treatment overlapping my hospital dates, & perhaps a way to find out if she was properly discharged. I would love to be proven wrong. I believe San Francisco General Hospital is responsible for Christina’s wrongful & untimely death. I did not have the context to understand the use of murder & rape like I experienced to subjugate a person & manipulate alters in their personality, until I studied the occult rituals used to program Monarch slaves & in Mk Ultra type psychological programming. I believe that the occult human mind programming methods based on these models are what I experienced at Zuckerberg Hospital. Satanic ritual abuse & other ritual based types of abuse have been extensively documented in institutionalized settings prior to my case. I represented myself at a Riese hearing to protest my forced medications where I brought up my rape (& perhaps Christina’s death? I don’t remember) at the hearing, which I lost. My statement must however be documented or on film on record somewhere. I believe that if my parents were not tirelessly present & advocating for my release I would have been killed in that hospital, as Christina was. Regarding the abhorrent practice of force medicating, it was overturned in one patient case vs. St. Marys from 2017. Advocacy groups such as PsychRights are working to prevent the abuse caused by involuntarily medicating, especially with regard to children. This article references the first CA hospital I was involuntarily held at, Summit Alpha Bates in Oakland. In my medical report, my doctor at Zuckerberg falsely claimed that I said my gang rape happened while I was involuntarily incarcerated earlier that month at Alpha Bates. I am sure the rape happened at Zuckerberg; I remember calling my friend right afterwards from Zuckerberg & telling her about it. With the medications forced on me bringing my account into question (as well as, obviously, my mental health diagnosis), I have a very slim chance to prove my or Christina’s case in court, but I am filing the papetwork regardless. If nothing else it will be on record. At Zuckerberg I also witnessed (above from a window) large shipping trucks filled with children of various ages (4–12?) loading & unloading at one entrance of the hospital, and a smoking incinerator where it was said bodies were disposed of, as well as an on site church in a courtyard visible from the ward where lights came on at strange hours. I was interviewed privately by a variety of different “doctors” at Zuckerberg at length; I recall some intense interviews by professionals in suits as well, unusually tall (7–9 ft) individuals, & a foreign language being spoken at one point. I answered in a language I don’t consciously know, in a state in which at the time I believed I was channeling God to protect myself from dark entities. This will sound insane to those who have not been in the situation I was, & it was definitely strange, & unusually (for me) religiously associated, but still does not indicate I was a danger to anyone or disabled. I survived everything that happened, & I recognize survivors of SRA abuse & true life origins for the premises of horror movies now, due to my first hand experience. I (still) don’t believe I am or was insane. Altered states of reality are experienced by most sane people at some point, to various degrees; I certainly hit a more extreme end at these two times in my life, but did I deserve the treatment I got? Or is it part of the systematic throttling of dissent in our society, determined by a criminal cabal behind government that is in turn aided by artificial intelligence? Recall how Google tracks your every move & Amazon your every purchase, the deep state is able (legally! thanks to Patriot Acts & “pre-crime” monitoring legislation) to monitor your browser history/every correspondence, the medical system tracks physical vulnerabilities, they know your secrets, your weaknesses, your addictions, your sexual fetishes, which of the 7 deadlys you falter on…no one wants to be a puppet but we all grew up in strings. The cabal has also been shown to meticulously track the spread of ideas & the leaders of social groups who tend to get deferred to or followed (consciously or not) by others, and are as fascinated by splitting up social groups as by splitting personalities in Monarch & MK Ultra type experiments. The 1% “elite” cabal uses any means they can to keep people divided and scapegoating each other, anything to divert & distract our gaze & drain our energy, lest we recognize the cabal as the cause of the crimes. AI monitors the spread of anti establishment ideas… once an algorithm of sufficient numbers or viral spread arises, in come the hitmen, prior to that, they have different protocol levels of targeting & social isolation for ranking dissenters. The people implementing these targeting practices are told they are in the brave business of terrorism prevention. You can watch in real time as homogeny of thought is mandated. My diagnosis is part of it. What associations do people have with bipolarity? They include: instability, incredibility, unreliability, “dangerous” & harmful behavior, & the lifelong inability to be “balanced” without “treatment.” Who does this narrative actually serve, and what are the values & the reality of the people actually being harmed? There is something disgustingly eugenic about mandating thought patterns. Why do people believe they are inherently “better than” and therefore have the rights to violate the bodies & minds of others who don’t think as they do, in order to make them comply? What happens when the difference of opinion concerns crimes committed by the mandating party? How do “sane” people not recognize this as fascism? Perhaps it is because the fascist mind control is in full effect. I believe my witness testimony should count in court as much as anyone else’s. I have never been a very religious person myself, but I do believe in Nature & One Love, & I do appreciate the Kurt Vonnegut quote that goes something like, “They say there are no atheists in foxhole, which some say is a good argument against atheism. I think it is a better argument against foxholes.” Christina’s death and my experiences at the San Francisco hospital have weighed heavily on my mind ever since. No one should have to experience what we did. She should still be here. Obviously I am not in a position to be easily validated, as I myself might not believe the events if I had not witnessed them. I never believed in ghosts either, until I had paranormal experiences myself. Life is like that. Justice is elusive, but part of my life karma is to expose the crimes I survived & provide alternative healing methods for those who suffered from similar institutional and ritually based crimes. The doctor’s report I obtained from Zuckerberg was not the full lab report, & I believe I was also being given medications beyond what was on my chart. The doctor’s summary report I did obtain was an almost painstakingly accurate account with several key deliberate lies such as my belief my rape “by all the doctors & all the nurses” occurred elsewhere at another facility & my “inappropriate touching of other patients” (I hugged a couple of them, including staying with Christina the night before her death-which was somehow permitted, though against protocol) “screaming” (I was reprimanded for singing & crying loudly at times) & “stealing other patient’s food” (someone at one pt gave me a snack, then got mad) & “no family history of psychiatric illness” (what they would term severe mental illness definitely exists in my family, undocumented). Intravenous drugs (documented) forced on me because I refused them were Lithium, Haloperidol, Lorazepam, & Ativan. I believe there were others, but I have no proof. I’m quoted in the report refusing any drug unless they wanted to give me marijuana, but it was determined I had no say over what chemicals went into my own body. I remember refusing to enter in verbal contracts to have certain blood draws & receive injections I believed deliberately contained disease. Based on my experiences & research, this was more practical than paranoid. I had discovered the complete loss of my human rights; I was no more than a lab animal to them. The cabal that committed the crimes against me is accustomed to doing whatever they want to serve their desired outcome, above all laws. In 2019 the Epstein case was made plainly visible to gauge the public reaction to overt crimes & lies in plain sight; & the public managed some memes but overall agreed complacently to the horror show. Back in 2011 my overseeing release doctor was Raviv Berlin. I found a psychiatry profile for him, not in San Francisco but New York. I remember a patient named Sonny & another named Willie who was in a wheelchair & gave me an Auden poetry book that I still have. I am also still in contact with a friend who was incarcerated with me who told me she was brought to San Francisco General Hospital after freeing trucks of children being trafficked near Mt. Shasta. Strange deaths at Zuckerberg I later discovered include SF mayor Ed Lee (allegedly a heart attack, his death occurred interestingly right after he made a controversial decision to keep San Francisco a sanctuary city for immigrants), a missing patient mysteriously found days later in a stairwell, & a patient who left the mental health ward without being discharged & subsequently jumped to her death from a building. My involuntary incarceration at Zuckerberg was preceded by other notable events.

I was admitted to ER at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (at times I later misremembered it as, Alpha Beta) Medical Center in Oakland on around noon on 1/12/11 after locking myself in an entryway closet at what was at that time called the Avalon hotel in Oakland. I believe this is the location; after I was picked up there the name changed & the building had been sold to a nonprofit; in the day since I posted this link on the building history the page was taken down. I’ve found more info on this place in the past but it interestingly seems to have been scrubbed from the internet; the only reference to the Avalon I can find now is in an article about the historical Sutter Hotel. At any rate, I was hauled away from this place kicking, spitting & screaming things to the effect of, “me ayuda these puercos are going to kill me!” The male cop threw me down, dislocated my shoulder & hip & bruised my wrists brutally handcuffing, while the female cop watched. I had the impression it annoyed them that they felt it too risky to shoot me dead for no reason. My police assault injuries were not reported by Alta Bates, although they did steal my phone & a Nikon camera which contained my favorite & irreplaceable front row footage of music events. I later filed an official complaint against officer B. Reed, who assaulted & physically hurt me although I commited no crime. After I was released from Zuckerberg I returned with my family to Alta Bates to retrieve my items, but was told they were unable to help me. A man named Darog who was present with me at the Avalon prior to these events also ended up incarcerated at Alta Bates; during my week in between incarcerations while staying with my uncle in San Francisco 1/13–1/17 I was able to speak with him several times on the phone. This man Darog who I assumed was friend or dealer to the man who offered me shelter at the Avalon gave me what he said was cocaine there; it turned out (we deduced later) to also be laced with a cremated bone powder DNA drug (similar in nature to adrenochrome) that had appeared in the area. This black market drug was rumored to be Yakuza controlled, obtained by gravedigging, & to allow channeling of the dead. This is speculation but my experience on the drug was nothing like mere cocaine & many are aware of “elites”’use of adrenochrome, a drug similarly stolen from others' human bodies. My experimentation with substances will be used to try to discredit me, so here is my background: I have done cocaine perhaps 12 times in life, & it had been more than a year prior to this occasion that I had done hard drugs of any kind. I used to indulge in hard drugs once or twice every few years (molly, ecstasy, acid, mushrooms & mescaline) & had a 5 month biweekly ecstasy bender at age 20, I’m no angel. I’m also pretty average in my history of substance use and abuse. I was an intermittent severe alcoholic between ages 16-28 with severe relapses ages 31-34, & I’m not proud of it. I’ve smoked cannabis daily most of my life & found it exceptionally healing, though Im sure my use is excessive. Currently I smoke less than an eighth of cannabis a week, no pharmacy meds (never been on any, outside the hospitals), & am otherwise sober. I could do a hair strand test at any time to prove this history if anyone is lying on my name by saying I’m on or have been on drugs. At the time prior to the events at the Avalon in Oakland I was staying in Napa, where I had my first cognizant run in with occult goverment-connected Satanists; I was incidentally not drinking & more sober than any time in my history due to the sparse & low quality cannabis available to me there. I was however, very sleep deprived. I had been prompted into an ill considered esoteric stunt by reading Mein Kampf & the story of charismatic historic cannibal Armin Meiwes. I had an epiphany that the toxic willing submission of the victim was as key to evil as the aggressive predatory impulse; it occurred to me that if that one entrapment spell could be broken it would spiritually save humanity. It is interesting in retrospect that this concept was central to the events that unfolded because it is still to this day society’s apathy & willingness to succumb to evil that seems to be the source of continued trauma, war & disfunctionality in our society. Instead of fighting or acting to stop evil, we have been conditioned in our society to paradoxically be inundated with violence in our entertainment while avoiding anything that is associated with force in order to choose peace & passivity at all costs in “real life”. At any rate, I had the epiphany at the time & I immediately concocted & implemented a counterspell that was 0% esoteric knowledge & 100% intention. In my jobless & sleep deprived state, I was strung out on Netflix conspiracy documentaries that seemed to illustrate the desperate state of mankind- and as I believed in magic aka quantum theory- a spell seemed as good a solution to try as any. I don’t cast many spells; prayer & reiki are more up my alley, but I was very passionate about this one. It was very simple, intended to remove the binding contract between parasite & victim that set a symbolic spell trap upon human psychology. I later lied to my roommate about the scorch marks in front of the mirror & said my cat knocked her book into a candle. It seemed hard to explain to her & I was embarrassed because yes, many people will think this sort of thing is crazy. Scorch marks don’t deserve what happened to me afterwards, in my opinion, but as some know, the spirit world does not play & I was unknowingly countering the most powerful generational Nazi occultists on earth. Directly after that, creepy locals who I in retrospect recognize were local Satanists got up in my business pretty quickly & left little symbolic threats on the premises of our house. One presence I believed at the time was programmed by the cabal’s deep state factions to be the Zodiac killer, who eventually went his own way. This is pure speculation. Both my 2001 & 2011 incarcerations followed manic periods of stress & days of sleep deprivation which for someone with my temperament (they say bipolar, I say pipolar) tend to do what I call “thinning the veils between worlds” & what they call “a psychotic break from reality”. The best I can describe it to someone who has not experienced a true manic state is that it is like operating in an adrenalized fight or flight state for extended periods. Only twice has this resulted in what the shamanic world would call “visions” for me, in 2001 & 2011. I would not say these were healthy mental states, because they were disruptive to those around me to an extent that invaded others' boundaries. Those who incarcerated me were doing as advised by society and had good intentions. However, what I experienced in the hospitals was far more traumatic & damaging to my mental health than anything else in my life, certainly not helpful. I found out first hand that the mental health care system has criminal elements deceptively serving the cabal and is actively being used to program & control society by keeping us drugged & deceived. At any rate, the implied threats in Napa were upheld; I was unable to escape incarceration & my cat Russell (the Love Muscle) was taken by my father & given to the humane society to be killed, allegedly humanly. For those familiar with Monarch and other types of mind control training, the killing of a pet is often used to illicit desired behaviors or punish a trainee as needed. The “humane society” in Napa was somehow tied into the Satanic cult; elderly members gained entry to my friend & I’s place by using a “lost dog” we’d “found” as bait. I bet that the property we stayed at there, 1333 Jefferson St. in Napa holds some secrets. There was a crawl space tunnel in the back of the basement laundry room with absolutely foul vibes that we referred to as “the rape shack” because we hated going down there. It’s not part of this story…but an excavation crew & Ghost Hunters might find the site interesting. I never will forgive myself about my favorite cat. Before I left Napa, I was provoked into calling the cops because my roommate was gone without contact one night for too long; after the suspicious & (to me) obvious ploy of the lost dog incident, I was worried malevolent people were watching us. My roommate turned up safe- but the cops disregarded that & arrived at the door with aggressive questions about my mental health hold in OR 9 yrs ago, out the gate. I’d called saying my friend had been missing only a short time & asked what the time frame I should report a missing person in was, then canceled the alert because she showed up…why would multiple cops still arrive to inquire about a caller’s health issue from 9 years ago in a different state? I only avoided an involuntary psych hold then & there by getting my friend in CO on the phone as a 3rd party witness & pulling some verbal gymnastics. At the time I was later picked up at the Avalon, I had left Napa-gollowing the run in with the cops-to stay at the home of friends in Oakland. I landed there only briefly before heading to the Oakland bus station on foot. If anyone has seen the movie Fallen, I perceived my experience during this period as if people around me were vulnerable to takeover by influences/entities with distinct traits & personalities, similarly to that film. No one seemed familiar or to be acting like themselves at all, and I’m sure the reverse was true from their perspective. I was overwhelmed, sleep deprived, frightened,& unaccustomed to dealing with the supernatural events, as I perceived them…I have included the basic esoteric themes here but a lot more interdimensional & timeline hopping (as I have come to understand them) experiences also occurred during this period. I was out of my depth & beyond exhausted, & I had decided to take a bus back to people I trusted in Colorado. I accepted shelter from a stranger on the street with good vibes because it was several hours before I could catch a bus with my last remaining bills from deep Oakland to Denver via Las Vegas. As a single & conspicuously out of place woman on foot in the middle of the night in my condition, I was under duress, hence the decision to accept an invite & do cocaine with strangers who seemed relatively unthreatening. The guy asked me if I was trying to get myself killed out there, or something to that effect. He was a nice man (his name escapes me)-with an immaculate hotel room style apartment & well cared for house plants-who smoked meth, which I politely declined. His friend Darog came over with coke; I agreed to that & we listened to a SF radio station as I tried to explain to the two men what was going on. I was pretty incoherent at that point, & incessantly ringing my Grandma’s bells from Switzerland as good luck to ward off evil. I felt safe there for a short time while the drug/s made me dance like no other & the music was good & the two men made no untoward advances. However I was somehow sure I was still being hunted, as I had felt since I tried to cast the illconsidered spell in Napa. I was there at the Avalon for only a couple hours. My savior from a night on the street later bloodied my face because he thought I was the one who destroyed his apartment when he & Darog left briefly. It wasn’t me; I had survived locked in the bathroom praying while I heard a whole gang of people break down his door & completely overturn & ransack the place looking for something. It was a miracle I remained unseen in the bathroom, as that door was much flimsier than the front door, which had been kicked down. I was so choked up with terror when the apartment owner returned alone that the poor man could barely get a word out of me. He smacked me in the face hard & threw me out. I was practically catatonic from sleep deprivation & stress (also now the cocaine+) & had further locked myself in some kind of coat closet in the entryway of the Avalon, at a complete loss, when an employee at front desk called the cops on me for vagrancy or loitering. Upon arrival the Oakland police beat me up much worse than the guy with the apartment room had, & quickly funneled me to psych. The physician’s report from Alta Bates falsely claims I assaulted the ER staff (I did kick, scream & spit to avoid forced medications), but the need for 4–5 pt restraints & the intravenous injection of drugs were allegedly required by behavior that was actually my response. I included another patient’s experience with Alta Bates in a link above. Alta Bates then had me transferred to John George Psychiatry Pavilion for “higher level care” a “service not available.” The discharging physician at Alta Bates was Rebeka Barth, I was also attended by MD Melissa Tom & RNs Darell David, Daniel Munoz, & Kirsten Eames; David was exceptionally cruel. RN Sherry Carranza was not a perpetrator. I was medicated intravenously without my consent (documented) with Zyprexa & Ativan. I consented to taking potassium orally although I did not understand why I was taking it. “This patient requires critical care due to the vital impairment of organ systems,” so “multiple emergent interventions were required.” Yet, besides resisting chemical poisoning after being assaulted & arrested for nothing by a cop, all they could identify to illustrate “vital impairment” was: “pressured speech,” “expansive affect,” “loose associations” & their favorite, “paranoia.” Alta Bates did not record my injuries from officer B. Reed’s assault, or disclose to me at the time lab results which showed dangerously high blood acid levels, a high white blood count and a low GFR level that might have indicated chronic renal disease, if that was the “vital impairment” referred to. Under risks of transfer to John George Psychiatry Pavilian for “higher treatment” a doctor mysteriously/superfluously wrote in, “traffic.” I was received (documented) at John George between 5 and 6 pm 1/12/11.

I was received at John George by RN “Gregg” under the care of Dr. Brooks. I have very little paper documentation of this visit other than a prior note from Barth’s report that Dr. Brooks wanted an EKG, & a paper showing my discharge the same day 1/12. I know it couldn’t have been 1/12 I was discharged because I left Alta Bates at 5–6pm & I left John George in daylight around midmorning, so I must have spent at least one night there. I (ominously?) remember little to nothing about being in this hospital, but I was discharged with city bus passes & homeless shelter info, I had no money, (who knows if I lost it at the Avalon or it was taken at Alpha Bates or John George) & I had decided I wanted to remain homeless in San Francisco rather than return to Colorado. There were many temp jobs available & they even had vegan food banks. Whatever day it was exactly, police pulled me off the first bus I got on, in handcuffs, because it turns out my father had reported me as a missing person. “Just tell us what you did,” my fellow bus passenger exclaimed at me, excitedly. I wished I knew. Instead of the food bank & homeless shelter in San Francisco, I was forced by the cops to go to my uncle’s home there, where my brother shortly after arrived from NYC. I was under the impression that my uncle’s neighbors in his place near Buena Vista Park were pedo-cannibals (I was told that their baby later mysteriously died) which among other topics including CIA murder and mind control constituted the unfortunate conversation with my brother that caused him to have me taken to Zuckerberg in handcuffs. John George Psychiatric had a strange case of a doctor being “slain by a patient” in 2003. The patient plead not guilty, & another patient at the same hospital apparently committed suicide at John George just weeks later, prompting investigation. There was an attempted patient riot in 2016. The first review I pulled up on Google says, “This place does nothing to help your mental illness all they do is cause more trauma.” A pattern continued to emerge from my experiences.

After Zuckerberg in 2011 I was released to my parents’ care in Colorado. When I disagreed with my dad about a controversial subject I was trying to discuss with him, about a month later, he called 911 and falsely reported I was suicidal/self harming, & correctly reported I was off my meds. My friend attempting to pick me up & take me to work saw me leave in an ambulance after I had been tricked into the front seat for “standard evaluation.” I was then deemed manic by a doc at Estes Park Hospital due to “rapid speech,” after my dad triggered me into anger by lying to the doctor (again) that I had threatened self harm. I was escorted in a police car first to a Loveland hospital then via another 5150 hold to Fort Collins at Mountain Crest Behavioral Health for a second time (after my first stint in 2001 following Mercy in OR). This time was from 2/10/11–2/22/11 under MD Hermann Moreno. I had a friend on the phone at one point (initially while still in Loveland) to witness that I was not a danger to myself or others as multiple nurses dragged me off to pin me down in 5 pts, restrain me & force chemicals intravenously. I was only released from Mountain Crest on condition of medication (permanent lithium) and my parents’ custody. I made the discharge clinician cry by telling her I knew what she was doing was illegal; she knew as a 30 year old my parents’ presence was not legally a condition of release. I also remember advising Dr. Berlin at Zuckerberg at the time in 2011 that he better enjoy his medical license while he still had it, which he kindly recorded verbatim. I published on social media about being experimented on by “Nazi doctors” in the midst of all this. I immediately discontinued my meds after leaving the hospitals. I was billed more than $30,000 for the “medical services” involuntarily forced on me in California, which I later was able to get out of because of indigency (I believe they allowed that in hopes that it would keep me quiet & so there was a record of me claiming the disorder, which was a lie under duress to extricate myself from the debt for forced treatments). Although some details have become faded over time, my significant memories of what occurred at Mercy, Summit Alta Bates, Mountain Crest and Zuckerberg have never changed and are documented in journals & notes I recorded at the hospital during lucid times. I believe the testimony of other people who are disclosing crimes such as child trafficking, murder, and rape in institutionalized settings by professional & self-professed “elites” because of what I have witnessed at these hospitals myself. Australia being the first to publically acknowledge these types of crimes is huge. So much more is accomplished by widespread disclosures like this than by voting or protesting; it gives the public the tools to make real decisions to improve the situation. Thank you Australia. At first I mistakenly thought that once I had the courage to speak on what happened to me in the hospitals, some kind of justice would transpire for me & the other victims there, & for American society in general. So far that could not be further from the case, as my allegations have been completely ignored by everyone in my life who claimed they cared about me. Even those connected to me on social media who claim an interest in the cabal’s removal & justice for it’s victims, and who I supported & advocated for in the past, made little effort to bring my testimony to a wider audience or to support my case. At times it feels like no one cares that mental health is using criminal & deceptive techniques to program society to protect criminals & that child trafficking, murder & rape take place above the law by cabal agents within health care facilities.

In 2018 in May my mother was given 2.5x a base dose of Dilauded as well as two contra indicated opiates by a nurse at Longmont United Hospital for her broken hip. I witnessed my mother’s vital signs plummet & her shrink like a cadaver. I demanded discontinuation of meds as a Dr. that wasn’t assigned to her rushed in & made corrections. The nurse who administered the dose was crying, fearing she’d be fired. The next day I overheard staff talking about an emergency meeting addressing concerns with overmedicating. I was watching my mom constantly & Googled every med they gave her; I stayed with her every night in the hospital & this still happened. It “coincidentally’ was directly after my continued insistence about my experience in the hospitals to my parents & their subsequent decision that I had the right to determine the course of my own health care in the future. Im thankful my mom is still here. These kinds of things can happen to anyone the cabal deems a threat to them; hospitals are not safe, as people mistakenly assume. Many high profile people who have spoken out against the cabal have been murdered in hospitals, with a cause of death later deceptively attributed to other reasons. People want to believe this is impossible, but allow things like Jeffrey Epstein’s death to be faked in the public eye without doing anything about it. The cabal has no reason thus far to fear the public because even when it openly & blatantly commits crimes, the public has proven it will not act. Perhaps the cognitive dissonance goes so deep people experience it as disassociation and paralysis. Even in the case of my mother, for example, she now believes nothing threatening happened to her in the hospital, because she was drugged and unconscious when it happened and prefers to believe what my father has told her, not me.

I was not a victim of MK Ultra or Monarch type abuse as a child (that I’m aware), but I saw how even relatively minor sexual abuse & it’s subsequent denial affected my behaviors & emotional disorders growing up, as well as how my confessions of childhood abuse were dealt with by the psychiatric system. It is clear to me now that the psychiatric system protects & serves the interest of pedophiles. This is how my confessions of childhood sexual abuse were handled by my loved ones & mental health care institutions: My claims were denied, I was declared to be a danger to myself & others (5150), I was hospitalized against my will, I was declared to have a life-long incurable mental disease (bipolar disorder), I was force-medicated with pharmaceutical poisons against my will, I was informed I would have to stay on these medications for life (or I would die!), & I was further informed that I would not be allowed to leave the hospital (ever!) except for under the care of the person who I claimed had abused me. I was 21 and 30 years old in both cases this happened, an adult who previously assumed I had rights to my own body & whereabouts. The way the mental health care system in our society treats patients- at least according to my experiences-goes beyond behavioral modification into extreme violations of human rights. Children & people at their most vulnerable & witnesses to cabal crimes are being targeted. Everything I say here is the truth to the best of my knowlege. I filed a civil complaint including 7 causes of actions against San Francisco General Hospital and 2 of those causes of action against Dr. Raviv Berlin with the Superior Court of California in San Francisco County via One Legal on 1/31/20. It is my primary objective to hold the perpetrators of the crimes accountable & prompt an investigation into the covert events occurring at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital to prevent these crimes from happening to anyone elsein the future. Incidentally, I grew up in Allenspark & Estes Park, CO in close proximity to high profile alleged SRA cases like the murder JonBenet Ramsey, & quietly rumored child snuff film group the Cabbage Patch Kids, not to mention a myriad of other cabal/NWO/Masonic/military/Satanic/white supremicist connections in the area. It has taken me 10 years of research via books, articles, court cases, personal testimonies & history to understand the social context of my case. I believe the assault and battery against me, Christina’s wrongful death, & other treatment I experienced were simply attempts to make me forget what I knew & subdue me to the point I couldn’t talk about things that implicated the cabal criminals, ever again. The events were also intended to ruin my reputation & credibility & ensure others’ disbelief if I did talk about them. I guess they would have preferred to kill me, but my parents were too well respected in my community (& of or near to the cabal’s own bloodlines, I’m guessing). So much of what the cabal does to manipulate psychology centers inversion & opposites, & the apparently (at first) unbelievable. Why would they put trucks of trafficked children where a whole mental inpatient floor could see them? So that if anyone ever hears of such a thing, it’s from a certified crazy person…& any time they hear about it again they will automatically associate it with “what crazy people believe”, & laugh it off as unthinkable. That’s in the case the “crazy person” remembers anything much about being in the hospital at all, which is unlikely. These people have studied mind control for generations. Look at how they have people tricked into party lines with the same methods. Liberals don’t believe in the child trafficking & occult practices of the cabal, because “only racist sexist idiot Bible thumping Maga people believe in that shit.” Meanwhile conservatives don’t believe the environment is being ecocided & minorities/the poor are being systematically eliminated because “only these gay treehugging false idol + devil worshipping, obliviously pedo supporting liberals believe the fearmongering fake news.” & the cabal continues to let you fight each other & feel superior about your chosen side, while they get away with literal murder. Because the nature of my gang rape & Christina’s murder were ritualistic & consistent with others' experiences of Satanic ritual abuse (Christ is in her name even) I assume that those were the beliefs of my perpetrators. I don’t assume all Satanists are cannibals & pedophiles who do ritualistic assault crimes on witnesses to intimidate them; however, I witnessed an occult cabal that does do this. I believe most Satanists are just people harmed by corrupt Christianity or are trying to be edgy & different by choosing a different Hot Topic aesthetic and serve as an unknowing front to the occult cabal. It is not Satan or Lucifer or some ephemereal bogeyman doing the crimes; it has been disclosed & documented that many of societies’ richest and most powerful “elites” within the cabal practice occult blood rituals & pedophilia with not only ritualistic esoteric intent to harvest energies, but the more practical social purposes of blackmail & control. These people are responsible for tricking the public into wars of deceit for their monetary/political interests, they are responsible for trafficking & murdering & breeding children for their monetary/political/personal interests & they are responsible for the displacement of other cultures & opposing belief systems & the destruction of the natural world. These have been the most powerful people on Earth for generations, & they need to be held accountable & removed from power in order for our society & planet to heal. Because of their intense questioning about visions I had with Biblical & spiritual/otherworldly themes, I thought back then this cabal may have mistaken me for some kind of religious figure or prophet. Most of the visions I had have come true unfortunately, coincidentally or not, but Im still waiting on the “good” ones. I have no idea how my visions fit into the esoteric knowledge that has been held & kept from the general public by the self proclaimed “elites” throughout history. Another possible reason the cabal may have wanted to study me is because Monarch & Nazi based occult programming incorporates a theta category & other psychic projects; however I know people more psychic than I am & I was never a Monarch (as far as I know, although extensive butterfly & owl symbolism exists in my childhood). When I say visions, they are nothing I have ever experienced outside of these two exceptionally stressed & sleep deprived time periods in my life. Drugs were incidentally involved, but the visions were completely unlike any other drug experience I’ve had-which other than glowing or flowing visual effects in acompaniment with real world things, did not involve “separate” or hallucinatory visions. Visions & drug trips are also very different altered states than the delusions I experienced while on high doses of pharmaceutical drugs at Zuckerberg & on the drive from Mercy to Mountain Crest, which were only experienced with combined pharmaceuticals & consisted of nearly completely incoherent fight or flight states & thought jumbling. These drugged states alternated with periods of comparative lucidity… but the only memories that are completely clear from the pharmaceutically drugged periods are extremely traumatic ones & a few good times spent talking with other patients. I am aware of altered states as separate from shared reality & the experience of those around me at the time. I know what constitutes reality, but there are so many layers to it that this also becomes a metaphysical question. People impart different meanings to words. I have read extensively about experiments to bend reality, travel time, alter timelines, predict & control the future, read & control others minds, & explore dimensionality. Many things exist beyond the average person’s perception. & because many of my visions later came true I regard them as spiritual gifts rather than mentall illness. Spiritual aka religious themes are a symptom of some “mental illnesses,” I would argue, not because they are “crazy” but because they are an often unrecognized aspect of everyday reality. Bipolar or pipolar *is* a personality type, I would argue, but if the person is doing no harm, would you forcibly try to make them over differently? Would you incarcerate someone for being a Taurus? Would you hold someone down with a team & force an IV shot on them if they were crying because their friend died, or drinking liquor & filling shopping bags after a promotion at work? Think about it. When does the moodiness become drastic enough to become an issue for others, and who? Why should a person be incarcerated & forcibly drugged for moodiness but not for being soulless, noncompassionate, bland & boring? I would argue that it’s because obedience & homogony are the social conditioning goals of psychiatry. An example to show a different angle: flu cases are predicted at higher annuals than ever. Flu vaccine numbers are, noncoincidentally, also at an all time high. It is not a problem that’s intended to be fixed, it’s a product that’s intended to be sold. The problem with science is for every false premise they promote, there is a benefiting drug company to front the bill for a study “proving” effectiveness & an article in a “respectable” magazine presenting the study in an eloquent way that mocks & is horrified by a conflicting perspective, ie by antivaxxers. Psychiatry is full of this mindset on every level. If people want to take pharmaceutical drugs & accept mental health diagnoses based on opinions, that is their right. But I believe refusing unwanted invasion of my physical self is also a right, one I was denied. I have indeed had to cope with intense PTSD, anxiety & depression in my life after experiencing assault & my friend’s murder in a mental health facility. I experienced more trauma due to my loved ones’ denial of the events that occurred than because of the events themselves. This is the best way the cabal has found to deeply psychologically traumatize a victim, by creating a cognitive dissonance rift & destroying all trust & social bonds the person had previously created. Once a person has clearly supported & protected those who brutally raped you and killed your friend (or even just molested you as a child) you realize that their claims to love you are horribly misinterpreted at best, and at worst, a complete joke. You stop trusting humans. Once you realize violent crimes can occur in institutions in the midst of society, completely without repercussion (or even anyone noticing), you come to the conclusion that society may be hopeless. You stop having hope in a better future for anyone. A society sick enough to ignore the exploitation of its helpless & innocent, including children, perhaps does not deserve to continue to exist. I used to be very concerned with making sure my testimony got to the public. But the more people I was able to reach, the more I realized it wasn’t people’s ignorance holding back justice as much as their apathy. People simply didn’t seem to care about my testumony. People who virtue signaled the Me Too movement or would self righteously parade in a pink pussy hat At a march turned out to do absolutely nothing but ignore me when confronted with a real life case of childhood sexual abuse. My family and friends continue to speak sadly about how tragic my mental illness is, while voting and paying taxes to puppets trained by the criminals who harmed me. Nothing I say is likely to make any difference, & it is more likely my enemies win in the end. Although I recognized I could not kill myself & never attempted, I spent much of my life realizing these things and wanting to die. Accidental pregnancies happened… due to not taking care of myself while drunk, and thanks to my deeply rooted childhood belief that my only value was to be used by others. It took me decades after my childhood sexual abuse to overcome the mistaken understanding I only had value in relation to outside persons’ intentions for me. Abortions will always be my biggest regret in life; I made that choice three times because I believed death was preferable for my child to the life I had, and I had no way to protect my children. Society has to this day shown me no way that my child would ever be kept safe. I was not protected or kept safe myself, & the only recourse I have for the crimes committed against me is to file paperwork in a system loaded in every way to favor my perpetrators. While I have been punished with gang stalking & targeted in a myriad of ways socially & professionally for speaking out on the crimes I witnessed, my perpetrators have always been kept safe. My brother & mother defend a pedophile; they all continued to tell people I have a lifelong brain disease, rather than believe me or help me with my hospital case. I requested a safe place to work on my civil complaint & supporting statements for my complaint from my blood family as recently as 2020, and was denied. My brother told me that he’d blocked me and I was only allowed to communicate with him by written letter until I went to “get help,” including pharmaceuticals, from a doctor. He did not explain how the drugs or the doctor would help me recover from the pedophilia I experienced as child, that he sanctioned & protects my father from having to deal with. He did not explain how these things would will help me recover from the trauma of being gang raped & unable to stop my friend from being killed by perpetrators in a medical health care setting. What would give me peace of mind is not being drugged, but seeing the criminals who hurt others and myself brought to justice. I have yet to see it. I was relieved that no other children who were in contact with my father have reported abuse like mine. Though this does not mean it didn’t occur, I did try to reach out those children closest to my family on his behalf, since he to this day still does not seem cognizant that his behavior harmed me. I dealt with emotional disorders growing up, not as a result of imaginary “chemical imbalances,” but because childhood sexual abuse has severe negative consequences for the child. I struggled with self hatred, depression, hypersexualization, self harming behaviors & self destructive coping mechanisms such as alcoholism & risky drug/sexual experimentation for decades of my life. & I think that my childhood abuse was run of the mill & minor in comparison to much of what people deal with, & certainly compared to what those who dealt with trauma based mind control survived as children. I think the crimes that happened to me in the hospitals were unfortunately protocol at some level, & probably not uncommon when reprogramming individuals the cabal deems a potential threat to their interests but wants to return to use in society; victims are simply usually successfully programmed enough to have their memories of that programming erased. I do not know why I was more of an anomaly as far as my memories being recovered, although I personally believe my experience with psychedelics & having high levels of THC in my system due to cannabis for decades was vital in my mind’s ability to reintegrate & recall memories. The fact that usually the violent programming techniques I experienced are used on children, as they have been in Monarch & MK Ultra programs, makes them all the more reprehensible. The public’s widespread apathy & disregard of what’s happening makes it no less reprehensible, but it makes the public mindset more so. Because I am able to speak out on what happened to me & so many others have died, I feel the responsibility to do it. I am not claiming I am special/superior/chosen in any way, or professing to know why my life has brought me this course of events. Having experienced them, I fully support all the victims of cult cabal violence coming forward. I understand that the things I’ve described are hard to believe, but they did indeed transpire, & your attention to the matters at hand is also needed to change our society for a better future, so Thank You for your time in reading this. I choose not to piggyback on others’ earned or arranged victim publicity by tagging others in this article, because many of those affected by my story & close to me are very private people & there are intense politics involved. Going public with this sort of thing is a risk & responsibility I would not wish on others or necessarily advise them to take on, especially on behalf of strangers. As I said previously, I don’t see that my speaking out has had much effect, other than the varying levels of my own everyday cabal targeting. Many people seem to react with disbelief to my account & then try to decide what’s wrong with me or just pick one of the go to’s: “crazy,” drugs, pathological lying, etc. Some just appear to have a visceral aversion reaction of “this is all too much!” short out, & effectively ignore and blank out my confessions, never to be addressed again. My own family went that route. Being ignored & disregarded like that felt like my life never mattered to anyone, like there would never be a safe place, & like I must never, ever have children in this society. However, over time I’ve realized that most people are basically good people & it is just the deep damage caused by a few close to me that has clouded my perspective on there still being hope for the future. I hope once enough people find out how badly 99% of us have been lied to & harmed by 1%, & who those 1% are, that they will shake their apathy & inevitably force change on our society. Otherwise, we will be obliterated by Agenda 21 as the cabal plans. I prefer optimism, no matter how unrealistic it is at this point. I have no idea the timeframe or how bad things will get before enough people wake up to instigate real change. I believe it will gradually get better for targeted individuals who are sharing the truth as I have, as more knowledge on these topics becomes available.

I have not to my knowledge been targeted by electrical weapons as other truthers have been, & I don’t have any implants or remaining programming driving me that I’m aware of (always the catch!), although I do have bad habits,emotional triggers, & regressed behaviors that I continue to work on. Regarding the spiritual aspect of the rituals, I don’t believe that many of the cabal’s occult rituals have true spiritual powers; they are about siphoning their power from others, so most rituals are about stealing energy, compromising people’s values, gaining blackmail leverage & keeping them in fear. That said, I don’t know the intended spiritual outcomes of the actions taken against me or if they have had latent effects on me. Anyone who has had their relationships, reputation & finances ruined after speaking out against the cabal knows that’s a lot to deal with as it is. In spring of 2018 (close to the time of my mother’s near fatal overdose) I was approached by an anonymous texter talking about Aleister Crowley, “things that were not to be feared but would set me free” etc. I was skeptical of the “do as thou wilt” doctrine, & brought up the problem of people in that tradition harming children & others as well as my experience of being raped in what seemed to be a kind of black mass ritual event. The person responded to my confession of gang rape with, “how polarizing” & ended the communication shortly after. My diagnosis notwithstanding, I wonder if that was the goal of my incarceration and assault to “polarize” me? This seems like a lot of effort? All to make me lose balance between extremes and to make me an unreliable witness? I do not pretend to completely understand the cabal’s intentions and motivations in their treatment of me. At any rate, getting uncompromised healthcare for physical issues since 2011 has proved almost impossible for me, although there were improvements for the first time this year in 2020. It is typical that my problems are either disregarded, I am given meds for symptoms I don’t have that exacerbate the ones I do, or I am encouraged to immediately escalate to surgery that requires sedation & being cut open, without any intermediary measures taken. Call it paranoia, but after what I’ve seen in hospital settings I’m not down for the latter when I don’t have someone I trust enough in my life to be an emergency contact and sit by me during surgery. I guess 95% of doctors & nurses are good compassionate people; I’m not sure exactly how the cabal manages to divert me (with 12 visits in 3 yrs, I’ve had only 2 minor successes receiving any legitimate health care). Meanwhile I’ve spent 4 years working to self heal serious physical ailments including endometriosis with pain levels at 8–9 and debilitating skin rashes & detox disfunctions, which have caused me to miss 75% of work opportunities in that time period. I’ve had death threats (cleverly implied, as I’ve learned the cabal does, including one delivered in person by a likeable cross-wearer). I’ve had psy ops staged at work & socially, I (friends too) have been plied with honeypots & met with covert agents & compromised survivors & AI bots & other traps…tech can be manipulated to the extent I’ve had PayPal transfers, bank transactions & time clock records at work delayed & altered; I assume my location is doxxed to them & all online communication is monitored at all times. I have had 2 people close to me die in hospitals in what (to me) were mysterious circumstances, another friend charged with one of the former’s death (although they were drunk in a car accident, there were skid marks from a completely different direction & my friend’s injuries weren’t life threatening) and yet another senior friend who was brutally beaten in a Walgreens by a stranger. I realize all this could could be deemed wild conjecture, speculation & an overdose of paranoia, but when your people are dead & hurt, you think about it. Minus electronic weapon attacks- which I may experience but have no way of monitoring- I’ve experienced many types of convoluted social targeting I’ve seen others report, all designed to make a person look batshit crazy with wild delusions of grandeur when it’s brought up. I’ve literally had helicopters pause by my nondescript apartment window when posting certain hot button topics or conversing with people whom ‘powers that be’ deem a threat. Rarely do I leave home without some small aircraft in a flight pattern coincidentally right above me. I live under a flight pattern, perhaps… but in all different directions? Why do I see so many military grade helicopters & private planes? If it’s no coincidence, some idiots must spend more money monitoring me for a week than I’ve earned in my life. At the same time, I believe there are factions of government (more likely tech & military) that protect me, as a witness that may serve their interests. This is pure speculation. But I’m still alive, & I think good people still exist in the most unlikely places. Rather than be intimidated, all the targeting has made me more determined to push forward when I can & share my account on my own terms. I believe in the voluntary, organic spread of truth; I want innocent people to stay safe. This article attempts to come to terms with my past, integrate my personality splits due to trauma, & implement my sovereignty by taking steps to expose the criminals that harmed me. If you want a 0–100 approach to symbology & occult crime in regard to society & world events, try reading the well notated books:

Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft Book 3 The Manson Secret by Peter Levenda

Painted Black by Carl Daschle

The Most Dangerous Book In The World: 9/11 As Mass Ritual by S. K. Bain

Eyes Wide Shut by Australian victim Fiona Barnett (also includes treatment suggestions for ritual abuse survivors)

I don’t have proper correspondence security or safety measures to offer other survivors, unfortunately, as society provides nothing. I have more notes of my own to go through & will add info here as well if anything important comes up; I will revise this statement also if witness collaboration or evidence shows any mistakes on my part. I hate posting problems without attempting to offer solutions…so, my advice? Be educated, not afraid. Be self aware, not vulnerable. Take care of each other. Hold the 1% accountable. Remember that violence is in fact a part of natural law, & may be necessary to restore balance against those who are themselves violent. Build alternatives to all corrupt systems. Vote with your dollar for sustainable & diverse options. Vote with your time for meaningful things that don’t allow the siphoning of your energy. Disregard all played paradigms, traditional power structures & idols. Be sovereign & real. 💜

#deepstate #occult #organized crime #SRA #CSA #CIA #NWO #psychiatry #psych #mindcontrol #MKultra #Monarch #programming #esoteric #ritualabuse #healing #sovereignty #deatheaters #anonymous #qanon #survivors #survivortestimony


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