Conversations with my Brother

1 min readApr 13, 2018


7. What if

S: What if you woke up one day and had no worries? What if there were no more money worries, no business ideas, no hospital, no medicine, no football, no philosophy, no books…just being there, for the sun or the rain, or the snow. Just walking around. Wouldn’t we be happier? How can we be happier actually? I hate waking up and immediately thinking of all the worries, all the plans, all the shoulds for the day. I just wanna be happy. Don’t you?

J: What if, you could not think about the “what ifs” in your life? No yearning whatsoever (Must that also mean not dreaming, inventing, upgrading? Damn. Our mind is caged on so many levels).
But really, the answer is simple, only two words explaining how: unconditional happiness.
God should have played slightly more around that concept.

We didn’t get that, so the next best thing is: we should play around our… everything.
P l a y . It’s the purest form of “just being there”.

