Lina Network
3 min readJul 31, 2019


We know that Supply Chain is the key that LINA has chosen to step out to the world Blockchain arena. So what’s “Big” more than that. LINA’s strength is technology, we build a large and sustainable ecosystem, including:

+ LINA Review

+ LINA Supply Chain

+ LINA Identity

+ LINA Healthcare

Each field is a product that LINA will launch. Besides, if we combine the fields together. For example, LINA Review + LINA Supply Chain, or LINA Identity + LINA Supply Chain … then we have more than 15 products for Corporations.

LINA’s Products

Why are these more than 15?

Because some corporation will deploy LINA Supply Chain, they also want to know how their customers respond to the product => They use the LINA Review platform. Or, hospitals want to use LINA Healthcare, they want to save the personal information of the examined patients, they can apply LINA Identity, and at the same time, they want to receive the patient’s evaluation about the hospital, they use LINA Review additionally.

With more than 15 products launched in the future, LINA has a lot of confidence in the world — We are the leading company in the Blockchain field. However, having a product is not enough, we need to have a business model, a suitable strategy, that is the important part.

LINA Network’s business model takes investors as the center because they are the core of LINA. Surrounded by Products, Enterprises, Research Institutes, National Government.

The contract signing ceremony in Thailand (May 2018)

Ambition to reach 10000 businesses: LINA aims to reach 10,000 corporations in the future, LINA will build an ecosystem for those businesses to use the same 15 products that LINA has studied.

We all know, large enterprises often have a huge number of customers, such as Vinamilk, with more than 1 million users in Vietnam. So 10,000 corporations like Vinamilk already have more than 100 million users. These businesses use the LINA platform also means that more than 100 million users know LINA and use LINA Platform.

At that time, LINA will be known to the world community, most especially, LINA token used in many ecosystems is also growing because more and more people use to pay for items. This solves the problem in P1 that we have put forward, “meet Blockchain technology for corporations and ensure the value for LINA token is used in LINA ecosystem in the future simultaneously”.

Memorandum of Understanding with 8 Japan corporations

10000 corporations are not imagination, while 2018 LINA has reached more than 30 corporations including Thai corporations, Japanese and American corporations. Those are the first steps to affirm to the initial investors who have trusted LINA that we always try to achieve our goals.

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