2 min readJul 2, 2017


Pride extends into July for some but that is not known to everyone unless, you are gay or have a collective of gay friends worldwide. I do not know where Medium is based but if in the states, it is 4th of July weekend which means no one is working except mostly people in retail, while everyone else is hitting all of the great sales, barbecuing and have been probably been drunk since Friday and consumed with blowing shit up “fireworks”. As for the rainbows, an editorial comment about Pride would have been appropriate instead of a half assed way of supporting certain communities, yet not in writing. A lot of big players are leaving Medium anyway for greener pastures, so Medium, has become essentially an option for writers just beginning or on the cusp; until one graduates and is ready to branch out on their own.

I like how I am sent selected stories just for me and my interests, yet when skim through, 10 plus articles of subjects or writing I find to be a borefest, at the end of this futile reading, nonadventure, I am told if I want to read Medium’s “best” I must subscribe. So basically Medium is saying, “we are only sending you what we believe to be shit, unless you subscribe”. Nice. I wonder if the writers would appreciate me listing their names and exposing the fact they are on Medium’s “ list of shit writers” . Probably not and I wouldn’t do that anyway because it’s insulting.

As for growing up, I do not wish to be an adult either and generally don’t feel like one unless am paying bills and all that other boring shit that one must do.

Regarding ageism, it isn’t really about the age, it is about money. A new graduate will accept far less money than someone that has years of experience. If as in the states, a full time job requires the company to provide the much more affordable medical insurance, the older one is, the higher the risk and therefore a higher amount the company must contribute.

Almost every decision is based on money, even in one‘s personal lives.

