The Value of ChatGPT in Customer Success

Lincoln Murphy
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


You’ve heard the hype. You’ve maybe experienced it and were wowed, initially.

But then you weren’t sure where to go with it.

You know ChatGPT is powerful, but how is it actually useful to you in Customer Success on a daily basis?

When it comes to AI like ChatGPT, everything starts with understanding Prompt Engineering.

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt Engineering is the process of creating a detailed description of the task to be completed by the AI with which you are engaging.

The goal of Prompt Engineering is to create a set of inputs that will produce the desired outputs from the model.

By providing an AI tool like ChatGPT with a detailed prompt, it will generate human-like output based on its extensive knowledge set.

In fact, because knowing how to write prompts is a skill you need to have to remain relevant in your career and effective in your role, we created a self-study course called Prompt Engineering for Customer Success.

But whether you take that course or figure this stuff out on your own, there is so much untapped potential in ChatGPT for Customer Success, this is in no way an exhaustive list of how it adds value in CS, but below is a start.

The Value of ChatGPT for CSMs

As a CSM, once you understand Prompt Engineering, ChatGPT will make your job easier. You’ll be able to do more, faster. You’ll be able to actually spend time preparing and brainstorming ahead of calls.

In our Impact Academy CSM training, we advocate for doing that meeting prep work, but we know that the bandwidth isn’t always there.

And even if you do have time, it’s sometimes hard to be creative in the way effective brainstorming takes. ChatGPT helps there.

And overcoming blank-screen syndrome — for CSMs and Enablement — where you need to write an email or come up with great subject lines and because of bandwidth and distraction issues you just can’t get started. ChatGPT — used correctly — really shines here.

The Value of ChatGPT for Enablement and Ops

For Enablement, creating content that scales is challenging, and ChatGPT helps in multiple ways; eliminating blank-screen syndrome, understanding a customer segment better, knowing their potential objections, and so much more.

And for Ops, taking prompts that work well and replacing specifics with variables that can be replaced by information from the customer record that are then passed to OpenAI via API, can automate a lot of that prep work the CSM would do on their own.

From Zapier or Make to custom programming, the possibilities are endless.

But it all starts with Prompt Engineering.



Lincoln Murphy

Customer Engagement and Growth (I invented #CustomerSuccess)