8 Reasons To Explore Creative Writing (Even If You’re Not An Aspiring Author)

Linda Alley
7 min readNov 28, 2018


Photo by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay

Creative writing (noun): The art of writing literary works such as poems, novels, plays, memoirs, or biographies.” The Free Dictionary

Have you ever felt curious about creative writing, but been put off by descriptions like this?

These kinds of definitions seem to be written for all the aspiring William Shakespeares and Jane Austens out there.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a big fan of these authors. I’d love to write works as well-loved as theirs. But it’s not my main motivation for writing.

If it was, I might never have started.

When we think of creative writing, we often feel pressured to create an entire story, play or poem. But the definition is more fluid than that. Try googling it. You won’t find a consensus.

Instead of trying to define creative writing, why not think about what it means to be creative?

When we’re being creative, we’re doing more than presenting information. We’re using our imagination to express our emotions, create original things or use existing ideas in new ways.

Now that covers a lot more than just poetry and novels.

Let’s take a look at eight reasons why you should consider creative writing.

1. It has something for everyone

If we’re going with this interpretation, creative writing becomes limitless in its size and scope.

If you want something highly structured, you could try screenwriting. If you prefer to let your thoughts wander, freewriting or journaling might be a better match.

You can choose to keep your writing private or share it with the whole world.

We’re all capable of creativity. We just need to find the right outlet.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve only got a few minutes or a whole afternoon. You’ll always find something that fits your time, interests and ambitions.

Creative writing is open to anyone who can write.

Here are some things you could try that go beyond novels and poetry:

Journaling, blogging, haiku, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, speeches, vignettes, anecdotes, character sketches, lyrics, skits, jokes, reflections, personal essays, game narratives…

You get the idea.

2. It makes other types of writing less scary

Creative writing can take the pressure off when we’re writing more functional pieces such as job applications, reports and academic essays.

If you have to write a job application, try freewriting about your previous experience. Why would you be a good fit for the position? Set a timer for 10–15 minutes and write whatever comes into your head. Avoid trying to structure it like a cover letter and don’t worry about using formal language. Let it all out. The idea here is to brainstorm and have fun without being overwhelmed.

You could also experiment with writing dialogue. Imagine you’re in the interviewing room answering the panel’s questions.

When you’ve finished, read back over your writing. Highlight any parts you could use when you write your application.

Next time you have to write something for work, try freewriting. You might be surprised by what you come up with.

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

3. You can share your experiences

Not every creative writer started out by dreaming of being an author.

Many published authors transitioned into creative writing when they discovered it was the best medium for telling their stories. Others took it up as a way to promote their businesses and help others.

Last month I attended a symposium for writers. I met several presenters who didn’t set out to be authors, but have used creative writing in the form of books and blog posts to share their passions with others.

Clare Dea was born with Poland syndrome, which meant her left breast never developed. She couldn’t bring herself to tell anyone about it for 28 years. Her book The One Breast Goddess was part of the process that helped her overcome her shame and appreciate her beauty. By sharing her story, she has encouraged others to express their authentic selves.

Solène Anglaret started off in the corporate world, but her extensive travel experiences inspired her to write her memoir Where to Next? . She has built up a business around promoting multiculturalism and providing advice on international mobility. You can read more of her writing on her blog Be Beyond Borders where she shares the stories of international travellers.

Take a moment to think about your personal history, interests and knowledge.

Is there anything you would like to share with others?

4. You can capture memories and experiences

Creative writing is how I make sense of the world around me.

My husband does this by taking photos and making videos. This is great because when we’re visiting a new place, my phone stays in my bag. But I still come home with visual memories of our trips.

In the meantime, I’m free to observe and absorb what’s going on around me, so I can capture it later in writing.

Sometimes my writing makes it into a story. But often it’s my own way of taking photos and preserving special moments.

Keeping a journal doesn’t mean you have to write in-depth summaries of everything you do each day. You can be as selective as you want. You may choose to focus on someone new you met or an activity you tried for the first time.

Alternatively, you might want to record your memories of life-changing events such as getting married, having children or moving to a new city.

5. It’s relaxing

One of the great things about creative writing is that it can help us get away from the stress of everyday life. I actually find it more effective than meditating because it’s easier for me to stay in the present moment. My mind is far less likely to wander if I’m absorbed in a character’s thoughts and problems rather than my own. Creating stories gives me a chance to escape to another world. After a creative writing session, I always feel much calmer and happier.

If you’re not into writing fiction, you can achieve the same effect by sitting in a public place and describing what’s going on around you. Let’s say you’re lying on the beach. A family next to you are having a barbecue. What do you notice? Try zooming in on small details — sights, smells, sounds, tastes and texture.

Dad flips the sausages, revealing a lizard tattoo running down his left arm.

The scent of charred onions drifts over.

There’s a soft thud of a spade going into the sand as Mum helps the kids with their sandcastles.

Your mouth tastes salty from the swim you had earlier.

You wriggle your toes, feeling the grittiness of the sand stuck between them.

Photo by Jessica To’oto’o on Unsplash

6. It can lead to personal growth

Sometimes we may want to confront difficult feelings rather than try to avoid them.

Diaries are one of the oldest forms of creative writing. They give us the freedom and privacy to explore our darkest fears, greatest desires and deepest shame.

Psychologists use similar techniques to help patients work through problems and heal from trauma.

Creative writing can be a valuable tool for personal development in other areas of life too.

Get to know your own strengths and weaknesses by doing some reflective writing after your next performance. By performance, I mean any situation where you have to demonstrate your skills in front of others. That might be giving a presentation, attending an interview or sitting an exam. Make sure you write about both the things you did well and the areas you need to work on to avoid being too critical.

You can use reflective writing as an opportunity to set learning goals. Try brainstorming strategies for working on your weaknesses.

7. It can improve your language skills

Because creative writing is so different from other types of writing, it heightens our awareness of language and challenges us to use it in new ways.

This is also true for those who are studying English as a Second Language.

Writing stories, whether personal or imaginary, is a great way to practise using new vocabulary and sentence structures.

When you’re writing pieces like essays or business emails, you’re usually working within a more rigid structure. Perhaps you’re slotting in set phrases you’ve memorised.

But when you write creatively, you’re expressing feelings closer to your heart. This will help you form a deeper connection with the English language and develop a unique writing voice.

If you want to keep learning, it’s vital that you get feedback on your writing. Choose someone who is supportive, but can also give you constructive criticism.

One option would be to hire a tutor or coach. Or you might prefer a more informal arrangement such as meeting with a language exchange partner or sharing stories at a writers’ group.

8. It will challenge you

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

Creative writing can be challenging in other ways too.

Some people do crosswords or Sudoku. I write fiction for the same reason. I love the puzzle of fitting together different parts of a story. I get to be creative when I’m inventing characters. And working out a storyline pushes me to think logically and analytically.

Earlier this year, I wrote a historical fiction serial set over two time periods. I tied myself up in knots trying to map out the plot. But once I untangled it all, the end result was incredibly satisfying.

It doesn’t have to be stories if that’s not your thing. I know other people who get the same kick out of writing poetry, creative non-fiction and stand-up comedy.

The most important thing is to have fun!

Over to you

Creative writing can be anything you want it to be, so why not give it a go and see if it’s for you?

Are you already a creative writer?

If so, what drives you to write? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

