Linda Fish
1 min readJun 21, 2017


I do speak out against violence. In this age however speech now more than ever, is protected so the vehement speech you might hear at a protest is protected and cannot be restricted no matter how repugnant. My best advice about protests is do not go. I would not attend a counter protest of any kind. The more you provide attention to it the more people perform.

It is belief that Mr. Session has held on to his racist tactic as evidenced by his attempts at gerrymandering in his home state. If he did not do it himself am I sure he helped and encouraged it. His interest is in keeping “others” not like him clear of having any power.

You may sit and mull on what is going on in government until the cows come home, I chose to other wise. I am decisive and proactive. always have been, always will be. I do not need the house to fall down on me to know that the roof has a big leak. Read about the president’s current thing — -helping landlords at the expense of tenants, him being the biggest landlord. It’s a violation of the Constitution. Oops there goes another shingle off the roof.

