Linda Partners With One Of The World’s Top ICO Marketing Firms For LindaX.

Linda Coin
3 min readAug 15, 2018


Linda is announcing today that they will be partnering with Applicature Inc. for the upcoming LindaX ICO. Applicature is an international blockchain company, based out of California. They are also represented in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Kiev in the Ukraine.

Applicature Inc. has a proven track record of being able to reach out to many ICO investors with a proven strategy. Ranked as the world’s second best ICO marketing firm, they have been able to raise approximately one hundred and fifty million dollars combined for the fifteen ICOs that they have promoted. This gives LindaX and Linda the ability to reach markets that have been untapped until this time.

With the partnership with Applicature, we have been able to elevate the ICO to a whole new level. As a result, we have some exciting changes to our original ICO plan, now that we have a huge marketing firm onboard.

A Bigger Marketing Campaign

By partnering with Applicature, we have been able to gain new contacts in the cryptocurrency industry. Furthermore, Applicature will be devoting a 12-man team to the LindaX ICO, which is a huge upsizing of Linda’s marketing team. Because of all the new manpower and contacts, the Linda team will be pushing the LindaX campaign on multiple fronts. LindaX will have a huge ad campaign, multiple ICO reviews, and more partnerships with popular cryptocurrency influencers.

Stay tuned. In the next few months, as you will see your favorite cryptocurrency influencers be talking about LindaX. You’ll see LindaX advertisements around the web. You’ll see companies rating LindaX’s ICO. Applicature is a top tier marketing firm with an impressive track record of successful ICOs, and they will help LindaX rise to the top.

Access To More ICO Markets

With the help of Applicature, LindaX is able to venture into new markets and industries. Currently, Linda has limited influence in the Asian and Chinese cryptocurrency markets. But those markets are huge, possibly even larger than the western cryptocurrency markets. Linda is planning to tap into these markets with the help of Applicature, and here’s how we’ll do it.

As an experienced marketing firm, Applicature knows the ins and outs of ad targeting. By using Applicature’s expertise in this sector, LindaX will be able to roll out a better ad campaign that will include the Asian markets.

In this world that revolves around big data, you’ll be happy to hear to Applicature has huge amounts of data on the ICO markets. This is going to elevate the marketing to a new level as LindaX is able to have the marketing power that could even match a major corporation’s.

Furthermore, Applicature has access to a huge network of Asian contacts in the cryptocurrency industry. They will be able to contact Asian influencers to help promote LindaX. Better yet, Applicature has partners that will help LindaX be reviewed by major crypto publications such as news sites. As a result, you’ll see international interest in LindaX start to grow, and Linda’s influence will spread across the globe.

A Top-Tier Marketing Firm For A Top-Tier ICO.

While Linda has the utmost faith in its in-house marketing team, Applicature is just what LindaX needs. As the world’s second best marketing firm, Applicature will bring the ICO to a whole new level.

Concluding, Linda is very pleased with its latest partnership with LindaX. The technology behind LindaX is one of the top in the industry, and we need a marketing firm to help promote that. As a top marketing firm, we believe Applicature will propel LindaX’s ICO with more markets, more trading pairs, and an improved marketing campaign.

This article was written by BitPlex Marketing.

