2 min readJun 20, 2024
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Where to buy : Colgate Raiders — Men’s Cycling Kit — Long Sleeve Jersey

The name Colgate may seem familiar to many of us, perhaps evoking memories of a popular brand of toothpaste or a renowned university. But have you ever wondered where this name comes from? As we delve into the history and etymology of Colgate, we uncover a fascinating story that takes us back in time to the rolling hills of Kent, England.

According to historical records, the name Colgate is derived from the Old English words “col” meaning charcoal and “geat” meaning gate. This combination likely referred to a gate leading into woodland where charcoal was burned. In medieval times, charcoal was an essential commodity used for fuel, ironworking, and other industrial processes. The gate, in this context, would have served as a boundary marker separating the wooded area from the surrounding countryside.

One of the earliest recorded instances of the name Colgate dates back to the 13th century, when it appears in a Kentish charter as “Colgat” or “Cologate”. This early reference suggests that the name may have originated in the Weald, a region characterized by dense woodlands and rolling hills. It is plausible that the charcoal-producing activities took place within this woodland area, with the gate serving as an entrance point for those seeking to harvest the valuable resource.

Fast-forwarding to the 18th century, we find another significant milestone in the name’s evolution: the establishment of Colgate & Company by William Colgate in 1806. The company initially produced soap and candles using a combination of charcoal and other natural ingredients. As the business grew, so did the brand’s reputation for quality and innovation, eventually leading to the development of toothpaste as we know it today.

In 1896, Colgate & Company merged with the Perrin Manufacturing Company to form the Colgate-Palmolive Company, further solidifying its position in the global market. Today, the Colgate name is synonymous with oral care and personal hygiene products worldwide.

Beyond the world of toothpaste, another notable entity shares the name: Colgate University, a private liberal arts university located in Hamilton, New York. Founded in 1819 as the Madison Academy, it was renamed Colgate University in 1890 to honor the original company’s founder, William Colgate. This institution has since become renowned for its academic excellence and commitment to community service.

As we conclude our journey into the origins of the name Colgate, we are reminded that even the most seemingly ordinary names can hold fascinating stories and historical significance. Whether it’s the ancient charcoal-producing activities in Kent or the entrepreneurial spirit of William Colgate, the story of this name is a testament to human ingenuity, perseverance, and innovation.

Next time you brush your teeth with Colgate toothpaste or learn from the esteemed faculty at Colgate University, remember the rich history behind this iconic name.