A Week Before My Birthday #2

4 min readMar 26, 2024


Photo by Seyedeh Hamideh Kazemi on Unsplash

Hi How’s life?

So, it’s nearly the end of March, and I’ll be welcoming April as my birthday month. Yap, I’ll turn the third time after the twentieth pass. There has been little change in me for the whole year. I’m still busy on my final project, and I hope it’ll finish this year.

I made an evaluation journal in my journal book before, and I want to share it here so you guys can read it as my readers who accompany every piece of content I’ve made on Medium.

Guys, I just realized that life is like organization too, starting with the planner, execution, evaluation, celebration, and taking a break. And in this article, I want to share two things that happened to me during this year:

The things that successful work and change me better

  1. Self-control of emotion

Learning self-control for me takes a long time. I need to always try coping and find the right way to control the emotion in each circumstance I met. And absolutely, there’s a difference for each person. When we know how to self-control, we know how to react in anger, sadness, disappointment, bad mood, etc. without hurting people around us or making the wrong decision.

2. Maintaining habits

I’m so proud of myself for having some good habits and receiving the benefit of the continuous activities I do every day. Reading a book 10 minutes minimum every day and writing (journaling, blogspot, articles on medium, book manuscript) every week. I can feel the difference between doing my habit and getting my online friends and community around Indonesia. And for the next project, my second child (re: my book) will launch soon (don’t ask for the schedule details).

3. Build a healthy life

Guys, I just to remind you that starting to have a healthy life is so important (especially in the early twentieth). Eating healthy food, increasing junk food, and starting to love fruit and vegetables. Eat less sweets, either food or beverage. And do some sports or work out by yourself if you’re too lazy to go out. I felt the difference since applying the healthy life mindset and activity, for example, it can reduce the appearance of acne and I can save my proportional weight.

The things that might not work 100% well, but I still learn further

  1. Coping mechanisms for mental disorders

I know being the final year student who always struggles with unpredictable problems that have come is not easy. And not gonna lie, it’s disturbing my mind and my peace, lol (am I wrong?). Sleep disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, stress, overthinking, etc. But, I always find my way and still learn some ideas to face those problems that can come immediately in unpredictable times and conditions. It takes a long journey too. I have to read and learn deeper from psychology’s articles, books, and video content on the internet. Mental health awareness is the key, not only physical health! and I need to increase my curiosity in many things about it.

2. Financial management

Finance and all the things about money are no less important, because, yeah, we need money in every single aspect of our lives, right? And also, we need to manage it properly as well, to spend and divide it in some percent to be saved, to buy our necessities, to fund emergencies, to fund holidays, etc. I usually make financial management sheets on Excel or apps to observe and control my money. I have to still learn about it and make some different management decisions for the future.

3. Social media time management

So, I’ve set up on my phone Digital Habits to watch and control the report of how many times I’ve spent screen time in many apps. And the fact is, my average social media playing time is 6 to 10 hours each day :) The top 2 applications I use most are X and Netflix ^^ I know it well. I should decrease my social media usage time and change into real activity.

Actually, there are more things that I don’t mention. And maybe I’ll give a specific explanation of some of those in the other article. So, yaa, you’re at the end of my evaluation journey. I hope you guys get some motivation and tips to live your day nicely.

Hi! This is Lindaini and welcome to my Medium world. Thank you for reading and spending your little time to read my article. I hope my writing can inspire you and let my unspoken feelings get to you too. All the advice, criticism, and compliments you can send to Lindaini.

Love, Lindaini

