Meet The Failure

2 min readJul 23, 2023


Hi! How’s life?

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Tonight, I wanna talk about failure. I’m sure we all feel failure, either in academics, jobs, competition, business, etc.

I want to say that

It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to sad, it’s okay to not always be the winner in this life. Because we cannot be pros all around. We each have our own way of being a winner.

Have you ever heard a thousand times from people out there that we have our own time to reach our goal? I wanted to remind you again that life is not always about competition; you can try to pursue your dreams, but life is not about your dreams, and all your plans in your head always become reality. Because some dreams may be realities, some of them must be dreams in your mind.

Don’t you ever feel as if life and the world aren’t fair for you, because everything has a dose and a destiny? You need to live in the present and try to prepare for the future.

A strong soul built from thousands of falls

I believe in each process we went through, while at the end, people may only see the result. You have to appreciate yourself, your hard work, and your dedication to catch up on your goal, no matter if it will be success or failure. You need to give yourself a reward over the night that was cut short because you had to study and do many things that were not over, over the weekend that you used to do many plans and works, over the time, energy, and mental strength that give spirit the most.

Failure didn’t end your other dream; it didn’t stop your next plan. Failure is the greatest step to reaching your next step and building again toward your goal. Don’t give up; you need to try harder and get up a thousand times, a billion times. I trust you. I know you can, you can grab it, and you can achieve everything you want.


