Detailed Notes on Graded Protection Principles and Measures for Medical Staff _ Masks

3 min readAug 25, 2022


Original Title: Detailed Notes on Graded Protection Principles and Measures for Medical Staff I. Level protection (I) Grade I protection: applicable to the medical staff of pre-examination and triage, fever (emergency) diagnosis, and infectious disease department. Protection requirements: 1. Wear a disposable work cap Disposable surgical mask and overalls (white coats), disposable isolation gowns, and disposable latex gloves when necessary. 2. Hand hygiene must be carried out before wearing and after removing the mask. 。 3. Dispose of personal hygiene after work Pay attention to the protection of respiratory tract and mucous membrane. (II) Secondary protection: Applies to: 1. Medical staff and infectious diseases in the observation room of the outpatient department of infectious diseases When engaged in diagnosis and treatment activities in the isolation ward where patients are admitted to the department; 2. Access to specimens collected from patients , staff handling their secretions, excreta, articles after use and corpses of deceased patients; 3. Medical staff and drivers for patient transfer 。 Protection requirements: 1. Medical staff entering the isolation observation room and the isolation ward must wear disposable Work cap, goggles (screen), medical protective mask (N95), protective suit or work clothes (white coat), disposable protective suit and disposable latex gloves, and disposable shoe covers. 2. Strictly follow the clean area . Divide the partially contaminated area and the contaminated area,Medical Full Body Coverall, wear and remove the protective equipment correctly, and pay attention to the hygiene and protection of the respiratory tract, nasal mucosa and eyes. (III) Level III protection: applicable to the medical staff during the work of sputum suction, respiratory tract sampling, endotracheal intubation and tracheotomy,KN95 Face Mask, which may cause the spraying or splashing of respiratory secretions and substances in the body of patients. Protection requirements: 1. Disposable work cap shall be worn Full-face respirator or positive-pressure headgear, medical respirator (N95), protective suit or overcoat (white coat), disposable protective suit, disposable latex gloves and/or disposable shoe covers. 2. Meet all requirements of secondary protection 。 II. Protection requirements for personnel at different posts Staff Routine diagnosis and treatment When contacting or escorting suspected cases of novel coronavirus infection, when cleaning and disinfecting the environment Free of body fluids, blood, secretions, Excreta and other exposure risks There may be body fluids, blood, Full Body Disposable Coverall ,KN95 Face Mask, secretions, excretions, etc. Exposure risk Outpatient and emergency staff Wear disposable work cap, medical surgical mask and work clothes (white coat) Wear medical protective mask, disposable work cap, disposable isolation clothes, gloves and shoe covers. Wear medical protective mask, disposable work cap, goggles or protective face screen, waterproof isolation suit/anti-penetration protective suit, boots and gloves. Fever clinic staff Wear medical surgical mask, disposable work cap, disposable isolation clothing, gloves and shoe covers Wear medical protective mask, disposable work cap, disposable isolation clothes, gloves and shoe covers. Wear medical protective mask, disposable work cap, goggles or protective face screen, waterproof isolation suit/anti-penetration protective suit, gloves and boots. Staff entering the isolation ward Wear disposable work cap, goggles or protective face screen, medical protective mask (N95), protective suit or work clothes (white coat), disposable protective suit and disposable latex gloves (double layers), and disposable shoe covers. When performing tracheal intubation, bronchoscopy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, sputum aspiration and other operations with aerosol generation: medical protective mask + goggles or protective face screen or powered air supply filter respirator, impermeable protective suit, disposable hat,free shipping disposable coverall, double-layer gloves and boots. Caution: 1. Inspectors can generally choose to wear double-layer gloves when sampling patients. Disinfect people Workers should use rubber gloves when disinfecting and wear long rubber shoes if necessary. Before wearing gloves, check whether the gloves are damaged. 2. When wearing a mask, pay attention to check the tightness when wearing it. 。 The N95 mask should be replaced after 6 to 8 hours of use. 3. Eye protection is not required when wearing a full-face respirator or positive-pressure headgear Mirror or protective face screen and medical protective mask (N95). 4. Strict adherence to the principle of standard precaution 。 5. Disinfection is strictly observed . Rules and regulations for isolation. 6. Strict implementation of hand washing and hand disinfection system 。 Source: Operating Room Nursing Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.

