How Do I Stop The Anguish, Grief And Denial, And The Visions That Keep Playing In My Head Tormenting Me?

On Friday, I watched as death came calling

Chasing Dreams
7 min readJan 23, 2020

Innocent looking, isn’t it? That is what the pond will look like next summer, but on Friday, when it was partially covered with ice, it was evil.

The ice can be deceiving, and to the innocent, it can be deadly.

On Friday, I watched as death came calling.

It was a normal day, cold with snow falling the night before leaving a few inches of white fluff. I took the dog for a walk, and as usual, I looked at the different prints in the fresh snow. There had been many deer browsing through the yard, nibbling on plants and trees. Their footprints were intermingled with a fox, and the distinctive footprint of the neighbor's cat.

Benson wandered toward the pond with me walking behind him. I was enjoying the sunshine and watching him and his antics.

The pond was beginning to ice over. The first few feet were iced and covered with crusty snow. The ice was creeping toward the center of the pond, but it would be a day or two before it hardened completely. It had a mirror-like appearance near the snowy edge, but it was light and crinkly as it shimmered near the water in the center of the…



Chasing Dreams

Discovering the joy of writing. Wandering through life one step at a time and following the magic.