Chasing Dreams
9 min readMay 23, 2019


Story Of First Love

The Boy From California

There were promises made and promises broken. Love continued.

We met one fateful night at the American Legion. It was a night that changed our lives forever. We would always be drawn together.

I was 16, he was 17. We went to the same high school but had never met. He was the boy who had moved from California for his senior year. He was good looking. All the girls liked him, followed him. There was a lot of drooling going on, they all wanted him. He had a certain mystique.

Me, I was the shy girl, the quiet one. I lived in my own world. To me, he didn’t really exist. He was out of my league.

The American Legion had a dance that night. It was the kind of dance where the girls were sitting on one side and the boys on the other. Most dances were that way back then. Awkward.

I wanted to be there, but yet I didn’t. I had walked to the dance with a girlfriend and we sat there talking. She was as shy and quiet as I was.

There were lots of giggles and glances across the room. Everyone was checking each other out. I was so uncomfortable. I felt misplaced.

There was music playing but only a few were dancing. Then I saw him walk in the door. I saw him look right at me but then…



Chasing Dreams

Discovering the joy of writing. Wandering through life one step at a time and following the magic.