Hair is considered as the most important part of our personality and no wonder that we always tend to walk an extra mile to make our look beautiful and gorgeous. Beautiful hair can make the overall personality look attractive although you have an average look. With so many importance associated with hair, it is never enough to spend a great deal of money and time on its maintenance.

Since ancient time to the modern times, people, men, and women, always take extra care to make their hair look gorgeous in all aspects. There are more than thousands of tips and suggestions have been allied with the maintenance of the hair, and we human being believes in all of them and even start implementing them, but many of them start having an adverse effect on our hair. Today, we are taking the initiative and trying to present the truth behind 10 hair care myths and breaking it forever.

1. Trimming Your Hair Frequently will Make It Grow Faster

This is the most common myth associated with the hair care, and people often tend to believe this stuff. But, when you will think practically, then you will realize that this has nothing to do with the growth of your hair faster. The hair grows from your scalp and not from the end, and when you are trimming your hair, it is not making it grow faster rather you are making it short every time. The only true fact related with trimming your hair is that it helps you get rid of your split ends and make your locks look healthier.

2. Plucking One Gray Hair will Result in More

This is again one of the most common myths that are related to the hair care. This has probably been spread by the old woman, and the worst is that people believe it. If you are plucking your gray hair, then this in no way will result in growing more gray hair, and the only thing it will do is to make your hair weaker and scalp irritated.

3. Comb Your Hair from Top to Bottom

You must have heard this often and from almost everyone, but trust us; this is not the truth. Combing is the best and only way to detangle your hair, but combing it from top to bottom is not the right way. The best way to comb your hair and avoid too many breakages of hair, start combing your hair from the middle by dividing it.

4. Repairing Your Split Ends

You often have seen advertisements where a product claims that it can repair the split ends, but the truth is that nothing can repair your split ends because they are the dead hair. If you have seen a dead body getting life back, then you can trust a product repairing your split hair.

5. Keeping Your Hair Oiled for Longer

So, your mom always pressurizes you to oil your hair frequently and for a longer time, then show her this. The function of oil is to moisturize your hair or scalp and even if you are oiling your hair prior 20 minutes of shampoo your hair, it is enough. Added to this, the amount of oil to have nothing to do with the health of the hair, the scalp and hair will absorb only the amount of oil it needs, rest is washed off when you wash your hair.

6. Dry Scalp Results into Dandruff

This is the most common myth that most of us believe. Dry scalp results into dandruff, but the truth is almost adverse. The dry scalp has nothing to do with dandruff rather oily scalp is more prone to dandruff. So, the next time when you hear any such facts, just don’t believe it!

7. Shampoo is the Reason of Your Hair Fall

This is the high time that you should stop blaming your shampoo for making your hair fall. Shampoo just helps you clean the dirt from your scalp and hair, and it doesn’t make your hair weak or strong. When you are in showers, the wet hair gets weaker on own, and when you squeeze your hair to spread the shampoo, it makes the weak hair get plucked from your scalp. So, stop believing or blaming any brand for your hair fall!

8. Conditioner is not Made for the Oily Hair

You have heard this more than hundreds of time from different people, but it has no truth at all, and a myth despite the fact that it starts working sometimes stay a myth. When your hair is oily, it is because it is producing more sebum than needed, and conditioner has no role to play in it. If your hair is oily, and you still want to condition your hair for a whatsoever reason, go with it!

9. Tie Your Hair and Get Rid of the Hair

You have heard this too at many occasions when people get to see hair on your shoulder or clothes. But, the truth is something else. When you tie your hair, it only helps you to hide your dandruff, and it doesn’t solve the problem at all. There are several reasons that cause dandruff, and there are better and effective ways to deal with it but tying your hair.

10. Comb Your Hair 100 Times a Day

This is the biggest lie of all the myths discussed above. When you comb your hair more than it needs, you are causing hair fall by putting a lot of pressure on your scalp and hair. Over brushing don’t do any good to your hair rather makes it weaker and cause more hair fall. So, stop believing and implementing it!

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