Linda Willis
1 min readOct 13, 2016


For the first time in my life I am considering leaving the country for more than a couple of years. This Trump thing is far to reminiscent of the stories I read in history class of Nazi Germany. I had a neighbor, a German woman, who swam from East to West. She told me of rise of Hitler. She told me about the violence of the Brown Shirts who did Hitler’s bidding. She told me how neighbors spieip. d on each other for the state. She told me of long time friends looked the other way as people were marched off to camps. She told me how her father convinced her that the people who were being rounded up must have done something wrong, otherwise the would have never been arrested. As she got older she realized her father was wrong. Her neighbors were the victim of growing bigotry. She knew no one was save in Hitler’s Germany — not her, not her family, no one.

What makes me nervous is none of Trump’s supports see the danger in his leadership.

