Davos — 4IR, the new 4Ps of Business, and the Future of Work.

Diana Xhumari
9 min readJan 29, 2020

This was my first Davos and given its many criticisms and a conflicting big event back home I had to attend, I was hesitant. Thanks to an invite by Time Magazine to their Davos Kickoff evening there (thank you!) and some very interesting meetings, I rearranged my schedule, delegated my on-stage presence and speech, and gave it a chance. Worst case scenario, I’ll go skiing on new slopes, I thought. I was surprised, completely engaged, and felt lucky to open the new decade being at the heart of some of the key discussions and thoughts that will set its foundations. Bonus that it was its 50th anniversary. And no, no time for skiing this time.

Coming under the theme of “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World” with a focus on “renewing the concept of stakeholder capitalism to overcome income inequality, societal division and the climate crisis,” it’s safe to say it got me longing for. The keyword was “Stakeholders” indeed, in all possible ways.

Being at the forefront of tech, 4IR is our DNA, and with that its challenges and unanswered questions how it will all work out beyond our “labs”. So here are some key takeaways I got with me that (try to) answer some of those questions and of course spark good and thought-provocative talks for the future.

Stakeholder Capitalism

Following the Business Roundtable vow on 19 August 2019 Business Roundtable Redefines the Purpose of a Corporation to Promote ‘An Economy That



Diana Xhumari

Tech CEO; writing in a philo-conceptual way on Digital Transformation, Leadership, Business, Talent, and 4IR.