25 ideas to use when your employee referral program runs dry

Kimberly Lindquist
2 min readAug 31, 2016


Just when you thought the hardest part of launching an employee referral program was launching it, you then realized it’s 10x harder to keep the referrals flowing. If you’ve run out of ideas or worse, your referrals have run dry, try these:

25 Ideas to use when employee referrals run dry

  1. Create posters of happy referred employees and share throughout office
  2. Include information about your program in employee Welcome packets
  3. Create a killer employee branding page on your website that employees are proud to share
  4. Send weekly or monthly email updates on what jobs are open (and rewards)
  5. Post new jobs in your team chat platform (slack, hipchat)
  6. Host regular “sourcing parties” where employees sit with recruiters and make introductions
  7. Do recurring lunch-and-learn “case studies” with happy referrers and referrees (free pizza is a plus)
  8. Post new jobs in highly trafficked areas in your office (kitchen, bathroom mirror)
  9. Create tweets for your marketing team to share on your company Twitter
  10. Do this for Facebook
  11. Do this for LinkedIn
  12. Create a “Hiring at [Your Company]” blog
  13. Ask your team to share key roles (or your job page) on their social networks
  14. Target low cost ads at your employees on Facebook
  15. Make “Wanted” posters for critical roles (with reward)
  16. Ask employees with specific titles to name 5 peers they admire (and refer them)
  17. Host a happy hour and ask your team to invite their smartest peers
  18. Run seasonal contests to source the most referrals
  19. Post on your internal wiki
  20. Make coveted T-shirts for referrers
  21. Provide small a reward for names ($25 per marketer, for example)
  22. Ask your CEO to plug your referral program at company meetings
  23. Get your hiring managers to mention open roles at team meetings
  24. Ask your executives for warm introductions to their smartest friends
  25. Expand your referral program, including rewards, to your external network and use a powerful community referral network to get warm introductions to great people

Ok, that last one was a total plug for Drafted, where I run marketing. You caught me. If you want to check out Drafted on your own, you should go here: https://www.drafted.us/employers

If you liked these 25 ideas (and got over my shameless plug) then don’t forget to click the 💚 below.

About the Author: Kim is a Bostonian. She’s a marketer. She tries not to be a crazy-dog-person but she likes them a lot. She runs marketing at Drafted, which is cool because she loves connecting great friends to great companies. Holla at ya gurl on Twitter @lindquik.



Kimberly Lindquist

Trade: Marketer. Live: Boston. Love: The woods, originality & dogs. Talking: #Tech #Mktg #Work