TLDR Industry Round-Up: 09/10/18

Lindsay Orosco
3 min readApr 15, 2019


Did Kylie Kill Snapchat?


  • 11 Tweets that turned the stock market upside down visualized (Spoiler: Kylie killed Snapchat)
  • New Balance uses AI to spot Fall Fashion Week Trendsetters
  • Apple is announcing it’s newest iPhone on September 12


  • Heineken is ditching taglines in their new campaign in light of racial public backlash last March
  • Anomaly and Crown Royal think you should drink more water while watching football to avoid being…that guy
  • New Excedrin campaign “We See Your Pain” visualizes headaches and migraines and includes limited edition packaging for the pain reliever
  • Weiden + Kennedy release new “Bud Knight” Bud Light spots in time for Football season
  • BBDO & Snickers put Elton John in a rap battle


Young Americans are deleting Facebook

  • Implications: 42% of FB users have “taken a break” from the site in the past year and 26% have deleted the app from the phone.
  • A majority of those who have deleted the app or halted use is seen in younger users (ages 18–29)
  • While younger users are opting out of the FB app, they are still within the ecosystem (IG, Messenger, WhatsApp etc.)

Kim Kardashian is launching a new prank show on Facebook Watch

  • Implications: The Kardashian/Jenner family is partnering with Facebook to debut Facebook Watch as a viable content platform through their prank show, “You Kiddin’ Me?!”
  • Their show will feature the Kardashian’s and celebrity friends such as Zoe Saldana, T.I., Lisa Rinna and Gabriel Iglesias
  • New episodes will be posted every Saturday to resemble an episodic format

Along with the global launch of Facebook Watch, Facebook announces Ad Breaks

  • Implications: Ad Breaks are now fully launched across five markets and open to eligible Pages. Additional countries coming soon
  • Pages are eligible for Ad Breaks if they have been creating 3-minute videos that have generated more than 30,000 1-minute views in total over the past two months, and have 10,000 Facebook followers
  • Ad Breaks currently include both mid-roll and pre-roll formats as well as image ads directly below the video


  • Instagram is building a standalone app for shopping
  • Implications: The app — which may be called IG Shopping — will let users browse collections of goods from merchants that they follow and purchase them directly within the app
  • The app’s development is still ongoing, and it could be cancelled before it is released. But sources familiar with its development say Instagram believes it is well positioned to make a major expansion into e-commerce


Twitter launches live audio-only post

  • Implications: Twitter has been testing a new audio-only broadcast feature through its Periscope platform and it is available for all iOS users of the main Twitter app and its live-streaming app Periscope
  • Essentially, this is a way for Twitter to reorient the purpose of its live-streaming platform toward live podcasting and other audio-first content
  • Most Twitter users do not use the broadcast feature, however, the company still sees a large opportunity in live moments, particularly around sporting matches, award shows, breaking news, and other ephemeral events that can be experienced uniquely through social media.


Spectacles V2 are capturing 40% more snaps

  • Implications: Snapchat launched two new black-rimmed hipster styles of Spectacles so that they look more like normal sunglasses compared to the jokey, bubbly V1s
  • So far, the company reports that users are capturing 40% more snaps using V2 specs than with the V1 version (not hard to do)
  • But even with the improved hardware, new styles, and upcoming features, Spectacles V2 don’t look like they’re moving the needle for Snapchat


  • Pandora announces 3 new ad formats
  • Implications: Pandora is introducing three new capabilities for advertisers
  • The ability to dynamically assemble different audio ads for different listeners,
  • The ability to sequentially target ads so that they fit together into a larger strategy
  • Shorter ad formats that range from four to 10 seconds in length.


Alexa can now tell you which concerts are playing at your favorite venue

  • Implications: Amazon has enabled touring and venue information, along with start times for shows
  • Amazon continues to enrich the user experience with their voice-activated assistant over other popular assistants (Google home, Siri etc.)

