A forest clearing, during the daytime, that has an eerie, oversaturated look. The ground is mostly made of rock. To the left, the trees thin, and there is a hint of a grassy space. Denser trees surround a path leading away on the right.

“Stay for a spell”

By Lindsay R

Lindsay R
1 min readSep 11, 2023


A midsummer glen,
With edges dim,
Carry forth delightful din.

Let me in!
Let me in!

Two lithe bodies,
Turn five, turn ten.

Let me in!
Let me in!

A merry-made feast,
With mead-and-hen.

Let me in, let me in!

Eyes shine brighter, smiles lighter.
Come on in, come on in!
Taste the air and try the ham,
Forget your worries, strip your sin.
Won’t you choose,
To come on in?

A gentle guide to weary skin,
Raised to lips, let it in.
No shout or gasp above the din,
Don’t dare to pout, we let you in!

Take my hand and traipse about,
No mind the hooves or growing snout.
No door to bar, no leash to tout,
But still there is,
No going out!

Based on the prompt “portal”

Also, I am very new to poetry, so comments and critiques are welcome!

