The Difference Between Super Cal and Super Cal Plus

Lindsey Elmore, PharmD, BCPS
3 min readSep 14, 2019

New Supplements Like Super Cal Plus Can Be Confusing

Sometimes when Young Living adds new supplements, it can be confusing to figure out how they differ from existing products. This is certainly the case with Super Cal and Super Cal Plus.

Both are Calcium and Magnesium Supplements

The older formulation of Super Cal contains 24% of an adult’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) of calcium, and 29% of the daily allowance of magnesium. Super Cal Plus is similar with 20% RDA of Calcium and 30% RDA of magnesium. Both supplements can help to support normal bone and dental health, and enzyme function, as well as nerve and muscle function.

I love the combination of magnesium and calcium, because magnesium helps to drive calcium into bones. This prevents it from combining with fat in the arteries and increasing the risk of heart disease.

The dosage of each supplement is the same: 2 capsules, once a day with food. Both can be combined with other Young Living Supplements like Sulfurzyme, Life 9 (just be sure to separate the doses), and…



Lindsey Elmore, PharmD, BCPS

Dr. Lindsey Elmore makes science simple and writes about essential oils, food, and supplements.