Outwork your self-doubt, accept the proof

Lindsey Rago
1 min readNov 1, 2023


CONFIDENCE is on my mind this evening.

There is a stellar quote from Alex Hormozi that goes, “You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Give yourself so much proof that you are the version of yourself want to be, and you’ll become them. Outwork your self doubt.”

After a conversation with friend and former client, I wonder if “outwork your self doubt” is always valid.

Follow me.

You can work your tail off, and have all of the proof in the world that you are successful / good at what you do, yet…

You can still be insecure.


Maybe you assume that failure is due to the fact you are unworthy of success rather than due to a lack of knowledge / wisdom.

Maybe you are REJECTING the proof you have / are collecting.

Maybe it’s both.

So what are we to do?

Look at where you are, and ask yourself, “What have I done? What do I have PROOF of? What REASONS do I have to be confident? How can I leverage my success in one area to shore up my belief in myself in another?” And if you can’t successfully complete this exercise, THEN go back to the quote…

And challenge yourself to outwork your self-doubt.



Lindsey Rago

How do you give your BEING an elevator pitch? I’m a woman on a mission to be a channel for God’s purposes — to be love, light, and empowering to others.