I Made my First NPM Package (And You Can Too!)

Lindsey T
3 min readDec 8, 2021

With less than one year of experience with React, I was able to publish a React Component for a color picker tool. If I can do it, so can you. This is your sign to publish a package of your own today!


What Does the Package Do?

My NPM package is called Shapely-colorpicker and it is a React component that makes it easy for users to customize the shape, color, and size of a color picker tool. Most of the colorpickers I’ve seen update elements when the user changes the color, but I wanted an application that would update on user input and not just user change.

Additionally, I wanted to be able to easily configure shapes for the colorpicker as opposed to the default rectangle it usually looks like. I chose 3 basic shapes, a circle, a square, and a hexagon, but I would love to add more in the future.

This package is not super advanced or groundbreaking, but it was a great experience to go through the developing and publishing flow. In addition, I enjoyed making a demo page for my application (which is not 100% necessary if you want to publish a package of your own).

How did I Make It?



Lindsey T

Just writing about my experiences as a developer ☀️