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My Quarantine Reading List

A much-needed escape from The Virus That Shall Not Be Named

Lindy Gullett, PhD
5 min readApr 25, 2020


Reading has always been my escape. I read constantly as a child. And I coped with a horrible, no good, very bad senior year of high school by reading over 500 books. That’s right, over 500 books in one year. Reading taught me not just what the world is but also what the world could be. Reading taught me that even if right now is really hard, even if the world feels grey and lonely, things can get better. It will get better.

Now, more than ever, I find myself looking for the perfect books to brighten each day. I’m still working on my own personal reading list, but in the meantime, here’s a list (for you!) of my perennial favorites. This list avoids viruses, pandemics, and quarantines — surprisingly common book topics! And all of the books are fantasy and science fiction because: (1) I love fantasy and science fiction; and (2) what better way to escape than by visiting an entirely new world??

10 Books to Escape The Virus That Shall Not Be Named

listed from heaviest to lightest read

1. The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive) by Brandon Sanderson



Lindy Gullett, PhD

PhD in Social Psychology from NYU. Here to tell stories about people, their lives, and their communities.