Why Is There a Need For Tactile Indicators?

4 min readMar 28, 2024


Public spaces should be safe for everyone, including those with visual impairments. There is a device known as a tactile ground indicator to make crowded spaces more accessible for those with a visual disability.

These square-shaped plates guide people who can partially see. The manufacturing companies build this with the mission to make public settings safer for everyone. Curious to know why this component is so necessary in different commercial places?

Then, this blog will provide you with all the details regarding tactile ground indicators.

How Do Tactile Indicators Enhance Safety At Public Spaces?

This product helps in providing tactile cues to the visually impaired. The tactile indicator adds more texture to the surface. The plates consist of raised studs that help the ones with visual impairment to feel the surface better with their cane or feet. When people with visual disabilities walk on a tactile surface, they instantly know what is up ahead, which gives them enough time to take the appropriate action. Mostly, tactile indicators provide guidance or warning to the people. There are two different types of indicators that one can use to provide direction or warn against hazards:

Types of tactile indicators

  • Directional tactile indicators: This type of product provides a cue towards the safe path to the visually impaired. The directional tactile indicators help in creating a safe, continuous path towards which one can walk without facing any obstruction or hazard. Most commonly you can find these tactile indicators at crosswalks, public transport access points and towards the entrance of any public facility.
  • Hazard tactile indicators: There are many potential hazards that visually impaired people can find hard to dodge. However, installing hazard tactile indicators on sideways ramps, near stairs, and train tracks can help the people with disability from getting injured. These tactile indicators can warn one against potential hazards ahead so that they can stop on time and change their direction.

We can see from the above-mentioned points how tactile ground indicators can help in providing safety to all. Not only do they provide directional support to the visually impaired, but they also make the surface skid-resistant. So when it is raining people have a lesser chance of slipping and falling. However, you can make a commercial place more safe for the public only when you install the right tactile indicator.

So, how do you choose the Tactile Indicators in Adelaide?

Here are some useful tips that you can consider while searching for tactical ground indicators:

How To Choose The Right Tactile Indicator?

  1. Determine your needs

You should know for what purpose you intend to install the tactile ground indicators. Here are some factors that you can consider to assess your needs:

  • Directional or hazard: Both these types of tactile indicators serve different purposes. Consider whether you want to provide a safe route or want to warn against upcoming obstacles to the visually impaired. In some cases, you might need to install both the directional and hazard indicators for better safety.
  • Indoor or outdoor: In case you want to install tactile indicators indoors then you need to check whether the ones you are considering can easily be installed on the indoor surface. Also, you should select a colour that matches the indoor aesthetics. If you want to install this product outdoors then you need to foresee whether they are skid resistant and can sustain well in harsh weather.
  • Colour: Different colour tactile indicators have their own role. The ones with brighter colours, like yellow and orange, provide more visibility on places like stairs or ramps. On the other hand, white and black indicators are best for ground-level surfaces such as busy areas or crosswalks.

2. Quality

Selecting tactile ground indicators made from quality materials such as polyurethane will last for a long time. The tactile plates made from this material will not show fading of colour, cracking or peeling.

3. Installation

Before integrating the tactile indicator system on the desired surface, you should also consider if you are able to install it effectively. You need to take care of placing the indicators with the right spacing. If the placement of the tactile indicators is not proper then it will fail to provide effective functioning. So, in that case, it might be better to go for professional services. However, before choosing a company for outsourcing the work of installation, you need to know the credibility of the company and their pricing.


Tactile indicators successfully provide navigational aid to the visually impaired, creating a safe environment in public settings. If you are someone who wants to enhance the safety of a commercial place then you can seek assistance from Line Marking Plus. They are the best when it comes to providing the best tactile installation services along with line marking and repair of Bridge decks. So contact them for more information.




Linemarking Plus T/A Crack Sealing Australia has been providing high quality line marking, crack sealing, and concrete repair services for over 30 years.