Introducing the Linera Devnet

4 min readJan 30, 2024


The Linera Devnet is live! Web3 Rust developers can now deploy their Linera applications on our Devnet for testing and continue to explore microchains as a new scalability paradigm. Check out to get started.

“With Linera’s Devnet, we can test our social feed application in a more realistic environment, over a real network connection. Linera’s unique architecture and support for Rust makes building on the platform intuitive [and] microchains open up new opportunities for the features I can build while ensuring performance.” — Zhao KK, founder of ResPeer, a peer-to-peer content publishing platform built natively on the Linera SDK.

Devnet includes a faucet service that allows developers to obtain their first microchain and test tokens. These test tokens have no value and are only meant for testing purposes.

Thanks to the devnet, developers can test their projects more easily on the test validators operated by the Linera core team. Please note that the core team may restart the network (i.e. with a new genesis configuration) at any time, causing existing chains and applications states to be lost.

The Linera protocol is still under active development. We will continue adding features to the Linera SDK, sample projects, and developer documentation while we improve the stability and performance of the Devnet.

Where we’ve been, where we’re going

The Linera project is gaining momentum. We’re excited to kick off the new year with the Devnet launch after a great 2023.

We hosted the first two sessions of the Linera Developer School, a four-week program to encourage developers to build on the Linera SDK. To close out the year, we co-sponsored the Rebuild Ownership 2.0 hackathon alongside Filecoin, DataverseOS, and other projects in data and privacy.

Last summer, we raised additional funding, reaching a total of $12 million in seed funding, to bring the idea of microchains to life and enable unprecedented horizontal scalability to web3. With the Linera Devnet, we’re one step closer–this testing environment is a sandbox where developers can start to experience what it means to go beyond the monolithic vs modular approach to blockchain scalability and move towards what we like to call the Personal Blockchain.

Linera’s groundbreaking microchain model grants each individual user wallet its own lightweight chain to store assets. This puts users at the center of the protocol and makes it easy for application interfaces to streamline web3 app interactions because microchains are small enough to be replicated into browser extensions and mobile devices.

Likewise, Linera scales by adding chains, not by increasing the size or production rate of blocks. Linera’s validators expand dynamically like elastic web services during times of high demand. Scaling at the validator level rather than at the blockchain level, this fresh approach unlocks horizontal scalability for web3 applications requiring support for limitless active users and real-time interactions.

“Web3 is set to fundamentally change how we interact with the Internet, particularly in how web applications manage assets. At Linera, our goal is to redefine this landscape by ensuring our applications can consistently perform at scale for any number of users.” — Mathieu Baudet, founder of Linera

We invite you to join us in building towards this vision.

Getting started on the Linera Devnet

For developers, check out for steps on how to get started. Follow along with the Live Coding Workshops on our YouTube channel and check out our demo apps for examples. If you’ve already been building prototypes on our SDK, we are happy to share that you can now deploy on our Devnet for testing instead of locally.

We are also getting ready for our Spring Developer School. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when registrations are open and start by exploring previous projects.

If you’d like to become a validator, let us know at If we think there may be a fit for us to work together, we will reach out to some of you for early testing ahead of our future Testnet.

Devnet is just the beginning!

The introduction of the Linera Devnet is a significant step in the Linera project and pioneering its contribution of microchains to the web3 community. Linera’s model puts end users at the center of the protocol and guarantees network performance for an unlimited number of active participants. With this Devnet, Linera continues to provide developers with robust tools and a versatile environment for innovation at the frontiers of this new paradigm.

To keep up with the Linera project, including our upcoming milestones and developer programs, we invite you to join our community on Telegram and Discord. Also, follow us on X for the latest updates as we continue to redefine the future of scalability in web3 through microchains and empowering users through the Personal Blockchain.




Linera is a fast and scalable multi-chain protocol for the next generation of web3 applications. Join us: and