Building a Stunning Behance Portfolio

Linhng Designer
4 min readJul 28, 2023


Building a Stunning Behance Portfolio

In the digital age, showcasing your creativity and talent to the world has become easier than ever. One platform that stands out as a go-to destination for creative professionals is Behance. With millions of users and a vast array of stunning portfolios, Behance offers an ideal space to exhibit your work and connect with like-minded individuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps to creating a compelling Behance portfolio and share valuable tips on optimizing it for maximum visibility and engagement.

1. How to Create a Behance Portfolio

Setting up your Behance portfolio is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

a. Sign Up or Log In to Behance

If you already have a Behance account, log in using your credentials. If not, signing up is quick and easy. You can use your Adobe ID or create a new account using your email or social media profiles.

b. Customize Your Profile

Upon logging in, customize your profile by adding a profile picture, a bio, and links to your other social media or personal websites. A professional and approachable profile will leave a positive impression on potential clients or collaborators.

c. Create Your First Project

Projects on Behance serve as individual showcases for your work. Click on the “Create a Project” button, and you’ll be prompted to provide a title, description, and tags for your project. Make sure to use relevant keywords, including “Behance portfolio,” to optimize your project for SEO.

d. Upload Your Work

Now comes the exciting part — uploading your creative work. Organize your project with high-quality images, videos, and a captivating project cover. Use titles and descriptions that describe your work concisely and creatively.

e. Categorize Your Project

Behance allows you to categorize your projects, making it easier for viewers to find and explore specific types of work. Choose the most appropriate category that aligns with your project’s theme.

f. Publish Your Project

Review your project to ensure it looks polished and professional. When you’re satisfied, click the “Publish” button to make your project live on Behance.

2. Is Behance Portfolio Free to Use?

Yes, Behance offers both free and premium options for users. Creating and maintaining a basic Behance portfolio is completely free. You can showcase your work, connect with other creatives, and access a wide audience without any cost. However, if you’re looking for additional features and enhanced visibility, Behance offers a subscription plan called “Behance Prosite.”

Behance Prosite allows you to create a personalized portfolio website with your domain name, enabling you to establish a more professional online presence. While the Prosite option comes with a monthly fee, it offers advanced customization options and a more tailored experience for serious creative professionals.

3. Customizing the Appearance of Your Behance Portfolio

Behance offers some customization options to make your portfolio visually appealing and uniquely yours. Although the level of customization is more limited compared to building a website from scratch, you can still personalize your portfolio to a certain extent:

a. Project Covers and Layout

Select eye-catching and representative project covers to entice viewers to explore your work further. Experiment with different project layouts to find the one that best compliments your content.

b. Colors and Typography

Behance allows you to choose accent colors and typography styles for your portfolio. Use colors that align with your brand or artistic style, and opt for easy-to-read fonts to enhance the user experience.

c. Profile Banner

Your profile banner is the first thing visitors see when they land on your Behance portfolio. Create an impressive banner that reflects your unique style and instantly communicates your creative identity.

d. Project Order

Consider the order in which you arrange your projects. Highlight your best and most recent work at the top to grab viewers’ attention and leave a lasting impression.

4. Promoting Your Behance Portfolio for Maximum Visibility

Building a captivating Behance portfolio is just the first step. To attract more viewers and potentially gain new opportunities, you need to actively promote your portfolio:

a. Share on Social Media

Leverage the power of social media to showcase your work to a broader audience. Share your Behance projects on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, using relevant hashtags and engaging captions.

b. Collaborate and Network

Engage with other creatives on Behance by leaving thoughtful comments on their projects. Networking and collaboration can lead to increased exposure and potential collaborations.

c. Utilize Behance Tags

Behance allows you to add tags to your projects, making them more discoverable. Research relevant keywords and tags related to your work, including “Behance portfolio,” to optimize your projects for search visibility.

d. Participate in Behance Creative Challenges

Behance frequently hosts creative challenges that encourage artists to submit their work on specific themes. Participating in these challenges can increase the visibility of your portfolio and connect you with a broader creative community.

e. Update Regularly

Keep your Behance portfolio up-to-date with your latest work. Regularly adding new projects and updating existing ones shows your dedication and commitment to your craft.

Congratulations! You now have the knowledge and tools to create an impressive Behance portfolio that showcases your creative journey. By utilizing these tips and strategies, you can maximize your portfolio’s visibility, engage with a broader audience, and open doors to exciting opportunities within the creative industry. Embrace the power of Behance and let your artistic talent shine!



Linhng Designer

I bring you creative inspiration from unique vectors. I love discovering new artists and the latest trends in art, design and illustration.