How to export LinkedIn contacts to Mailchimp.

3 min readAug 27, 2014


All in 20 simple steps.

In this short tutorial I will take you step by step on how to export you LinkedIn contacts and import the contact details into your mailchimp account as a list for later usage.

Step 1 — Login to your LinkedIn account.

Step 2 — Go to

Step 3 — Click ‘Export’. Highlighted below in red.

Step 4 — Once exported successfully you should see the message seen below highlighted in green.

Step 5 — The CSV file will automatically be downloaded at this point. It will be stored in your downloads folder.

Step 6 — Login to your Mailchimp account.

Step 7 — Go to

Step 8 — Click on create list as seen below highlighted in red.

Step 9— You should be taken to the URL —

Step 10 — Once you are at this URL, fill in the list details accordingly. See example below.

Step 11 — Once filled out sufficiently you can now proceed and click the Save button as highlighted in red below.

Step 12 — You should be forwarded on to a success message highlighted in green below.

Step 13 — Once at this page, click on the ‘Import Subscribers’ button as highlighted below in red.

Step 14 — You will be taken to the page seen below.

Step 15 — Click on the ‘Import from a CSV or TXT File’ button highlighted below in red.

Step 16 — You will be taken to the page as seen below.

Step 17 — Click the ‘Browse’ button highlighted and red and find the CSV File that was downloaded in Step 5.

Step 18 — Click on ‘Upload List’ as seen below highlighted in red.

Step 19 — Click ‘Skip all’ as highlighted below.

Step 20 — Click ‘Complete Import’ as highlighted below.

Hooray!! You’ve done it. You now have a list of all your LinkedIn contacts imported into your Mailchimp account.

Please don’t spam your contacts ♥

