White Label LinkedIn Marketing Automation Software


White Label LinkedIn Marketing Automation is becoming more and more popular as the LinkedIn Business Platform grows.

The Most Common Questions I hear about White Label LinkedIn Marketing Software:

  1. White Label Solution: How Much Does LinkedIn Automation Software Cost to White Label
  2. Re-Sellers Guide: Does White Label Mean It’s all “Done-For-You”
  3. Personal Plan: LinkedIn Marketing Automation for Professionals
  4. What should I look for in a Automation Software
  5. What Should I look for in a LinkedIn Marketing Consultant

In this article I will answer all of these questions for you so you can decide how you want to move forward with your personal LinkedIn marketing campaigns or run them for your clients.

White Label LinkedIn Automation Software Cost Differences

White Label LinkedIn Software varies from supplier to supplier. What you need to find out is:

  1. Do I get my own branded software that my clients and myself can use and login on my own domain?
  2. Do I login on a 3rd party website with branding that isn’t completely mine?

This is most important if you plan on selling these services yourself and how much you plan on selling your services at. The Price for white label software setups that would include your own personal domain and branded software interface start around $2,000 per month and $300/user account. This can be compared to $300/user for do-it-yourself software access on a non-branded platform.

This would be considered a White Label Software not Necessarily a Complete White Label Solution.

Complete White Label LinkedIn Marketing Automation for Re-Sellers

Most professionals that are in the Marketing, Web Development, Facebook Ads, SEO or similar industry space would probably land here.

Offering a Highly Trending Direct Marketing Solution with a white label pricing structure aka re-seller could be very lucrative. By offering new services to existing clients that would not effect your available bandwidth you can generate rio without any investment of your own. The industry white label pricing for this is around $300-$600 per user depending on strategy and deliverables.

Personal LinkedIn Marketing Automation Plan — Done for you?

If you are unsure what direction you are planning on going but you want to test the waters, learn the ropes & see a system in action that might add value to you or your customers, this is a good start. Testing out LinkedIn marketing in your own market & selling your own product is by far the best way to learn the do’s and don’ts.

How do I know I am making the Correct Choice what should I look for?

Finding the right software and consultant to work with in such a new space can be hard. These are a few of the services that Linked by Codestaff provides that we suggest you also look for in this space.

LinkedIn Software

  1. Cloud Based — NOT PLUGIN Based
  2. Automated Connection Requests
  3. Automated Thank You for Connecting Messages
  4. Automated Follow-up Messages on a Proven Content Schedule ( “send this message 4 days after the last one.”)
  5. Incorporates Personal and Thoughtful Email

LinkedIn Marketing Consultant

  1. Has Real Client Testimonials
  2. Has Industry Knowledge of your Market and Audience
  3. Helps you Create your Sales Cycle
  4. Writes all of your Marketing Campaigns
  5. Provides LI Profile Optimization

Linked By Codestaff — LinkedIn Marketing on Steroids

View Original Content: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/white-label-linkedin-marketing-automation-software-devin-mallonee-/

