Bridge Report #6

Link Foundation
7 min readFeb 20, 2019


2018 has come to a close even for the Chinese community, we hope every Chinese reader had a happy holiday! Developments on all EOSIO chains are continuously expanding, EOS is still the most used blockchain according to Block’tivity ranking (, followed by Telos in the fourth position. In this report the highlights goes to the new REX updates and to the EOS User Agreement proposal.

EOS in the west

MEOWnet interact with DApps using your Ledger released their new tool: MEOWnet. MEOWnet allows dApps to interact directly with hardware wallets instead of using a middleman software.

Through MEOWnet users are able to use dApps just by plugging in their device and log in with MEOW on supported sites

Currently you can try MEOWnet on EOS Authority’s voting page. Hopefully soon more dApps and tools will support MEOWnet.
Medium Announcement

The game “pixEOS Paint” launched

pixEOS the second collaborative digital canvas, launched. Users are free to paint and have fun in the new pixEOS canvas. The pot and funds withdrawals will start when 150,000 pixels have been purchased.

“Earn rewards when someone paints over your pixel with the Patron Bonus System, and after you paint just once, get a share based on the overall game volume from All-Time Patron rewards system. If you paint daily, the 24 Hours Patron Bonus will also reward you with EOS.”

Join the PixEOS telegram for more info

Play pixEOS Paint

NouGit team is interviewed by Block.One

Recently the NouGit team has been interviewed by Block.One.

The NouGit proof of concept won the EOS Global Hackathon in San Francisco. Nougit is a decentralized and incentivized git repository platform. With the NouGit platform developers can contribute their code and get paid for their efforts in a decentralized manner.

If you are interested in the Project, apply to become a Technical CoFounder.
Medium Article

REX has been updated with the latest EOSIO RC

today Block.One released EOSIO v.1.6.1 update and the newest EOSIO Contracts v1.6.0 Release Candidate.

The EOSIO v1.6.1 update covers critical security fixes such as:

  • net_plugin security fixes
  • Additional check time calls to limit cpu usage
  • Limit memory usage in producer_plugin

While the EOSIO Contracts release candidate includes fixes for bugs found in the latest rc regarding REX and some new interesting features:

  • Changed initial Bancor connector balance to a lower value
  • Added inline actions to buyrex, unstacketorex, and sellrex
  • Introducted REX Savings Bucket

Github Link

Brock Pierce is going to relaunch Mt. Gox

CryptoCoinNews (CCN) recently published an article regarding a plan by Brock to revive MtGox. According to the article Brock Pierce has acquired 100% of Mt. Gox’s remaining assets. Brock Pierce’s first intention is to distribute all remaining Mt. Gox Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV to creditors proportional to what they have lost. In this way the company will prevent the liquidation process.

After having settled Mt. Gox’s debts, Brock Pierce plans to relaunch Mt. Gox as a modern exchange with non-custodial trading models. Not completely decentralized, but with safer trading mechanism, such as multi-signature Bitcoin wallets. Moreover, creditors will be offered a stake in the future of the company.

Hopefully, the whole crypto industry will no longer have to fear Japanese lawyers dumping Bitcoin.
Press release

Should EOS replace the interim Constitution with the EOS User Agreement?

We can now vote on a new Referendum Proposal: the ‘eosuseragree’. ‘Should EOS adopt the EOS User Agreement (EUA) in place of the interim Constitution?’ .

Result if enacted:

“The EOS User Agreement is being proposed in order to establish a governing document that is manageable, reasonable, and enforceable and that serves as a reflection of the way the EOS Mainnet currently functions at a protocol level.”

Proposal Link and info

Cooperative Voting Infrastructure Bounties

EOS42 started a new initiative to build important EOS Infrastructure, in partnership with some of the most prominent EOS proxies. The initiative is based over a bounty program, where voters can decide which projects they want to see released, by flexing their voting power.

Block producers who complete the development of the projects decided by the community, will receive votes from partner proxies for up to one year.

Currently proxies in partnership are:

  • The Starkness
  • Chintai
  • Investing With a Difference
  • Colin Talks Crypto
  • EOS Titan
  • EOS Cannon Proxy
  • Tokenika
  • Freedom Proxy
  • EOS Vibes
  • Meet one proxy
  • Mentormarket
  • Good Guys 4 EOS
  • BP Governance Proxy
  • Mereo
  • eosnetworkxx
  • EOS BP Ratings
  • Ferdous Bhai Proxy
  • Vote With Detroit

The first two chosen projects are:

  • Full History Solution
  • Mechanism for testing the ability of paid standby producer to produce

Medium Announcement


Today the first elections for eosDAC custodians reached 15% vote participation. The voting started 2 months ago, and after having reached the threshold the elected custodians can operate. Therefore, the DAC is now in the hands of the community..
Steem Announcement

Rethinking EOS Referendum game theory — Why 15% token participation is irrilevant

EOS New York published an article explaining their thoughts about the 15% threshold for Referendum Proposals.

According to the EOS constitution, a referendum needs no less than 15% vote participation among tokens to pass. In their article, EOS New York highlighted two main issues with the 15% threshold.

1. EOS token holders can shift their votes towards BPs that support the proposal. In this case the referendum would pass even if the 15% threshold is not met

2. ‘No’ voters are not incentivized to vote, as a ‘no’ vote could contribute to the success of a proposal rather than impeding it..
Medium Article

A member of the community returns 103k EOS after accidental transfer

EOS Authority shared on Twitter an amazing story. The person behind the EOS account: ‘australia123’ returned 103K that accidentally had been transferred to him by another token holder. The two users managed to communicate through memos and everything went fine. ‘autralia123’ ended up receiving a tip of 5k EOS..
Twitter Link

LiquidApps releases article about vRAM usecases:

LiquidApps released an article that explains in details how vRAM will improve multiple DApps operation. They also described and introduced to the reader multiple use-cases of this solution.

Between these, there are:

- Airdrop: Currently RAM costs around $150k per GB, by using vRAM the cost to carry out an airdrop will significantly be reduced, making it more affordable.

- Social Media: Social Media developers on EOS will be freed from having to store gigabytes of information on-chain. In this way it will be possible to develop dApps with features that rival and maybe even exceed those housed on centralized platforms. Most importantly, decentralized social media sites allow users to own their data directly with a private key.

- Smart securities: The data set containing information about all market participants as well as the regulatory data pertaining to each smart security can be large, incurring significant costs to the developer who needs to store it on-chain.

- Augmented Universes: storing the ownership and location information of every digital asset in existence introduces resource constraints that present a significant barrier to growing an augmented universe

- Ridesharing: Decentralized ridesharing apps will need access to tools that maximize their capacity for handling massive amounts of location data and profile information in order to compete with their centralized equivalent.

- Gaming: Currently, MMORPGs require immense data storage, making them unviable on the EOS Mainnet.

- Prediction Markets: Once access to sufficient storage and other network resources become available, prediction markets may not need their own blockchain; rather they will be able to utilize a base protocol such as EOS as a settlement layer making them faster and more affordable to build..
Medium Link

Creating A Custom EOS Permission

EOS New York shared a tutorial to create and assign an EOS keypair that can only be used to vote for Block Producers.

This is possible through the built-in EOS permission system, accounts can generate and assign public/private keys to specific actions. This key pair will then only be able to execute the action assigned to it..
Medium Tutorial

EOS in the east

EOS is still first in the Chinese Blockchain Rankings by popularity!

China has recently released its 9th Global Public Chain Technology Evaluation Index.

According to the results, EOS remains in the first position, followed by Ethereum (2nd position),Ontology (3rd position), GXChain and Bitshares.

Honorable mentions goes to:

  • Bitcoin: 15th position
  • NEO: 7th position
  • Steem: 10th position
  • Stellar: 11th position
  • IOTA: 13th position

Press release

Chinese New Year 2019: Year of the Pig

In the last two weeks we were in the Chinese New Year period. This holiday fell on Tuesday February 5 beginning the Pig’s year.

The EOS Alliance published a short video on Youtube, where the EOS community congratulates the Spring Festival celebrations..
Youtube Link

EOSX updated with IBC transfer between EOS and BOS

The EOS Asia team updated their block explorer and web wallet in EOSX. Users can now freely transfer tokens between EOS and BOS..
Tweet Link



Link Foundation

The Link Foundation is a cross-border advocate for the crypto community working to bring the human element back to the EOS blockchain.