Top 30 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes to Inspire Change

Alim Al Razi
8 min readMay 20, 2024


Ruby Bridges is a very special person who made a big difference in our world. When she was just six years old, she was the first African-American child to go to an all-white school in the South. This was a brave and important step towards making schools fair for everyone, no matter the color of their skin. Ruby Bridges faced many challenges and scary moments, but she stayed strong and showed the world that everyone should be treated equally.

In this blog post, we have gathered the top 30 powerful Ruby Bridges quotes. These quotes remind us about the importance of kindness, bravery, and standing up for what is right. Ruby Bridges’ words can inspire all of us to make the world a better place. Whether you are young or old, these quotes are easy to understand and full of wisdom. Let’s read these Ruby Bridges quotes together and learn how we can all help to create a world where everyone is treated with love and respect.

Racism is a grown-up disease, and we should stop using our kids to spread it.
Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail.
None of our kids come into the world racist. And so, if they can learn to be racist, they can learn not to be.
Evil isn’t prejudiced. It doesn’t care what you look like; it just wants to take any of us down.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I remember what it was like to go to an all-black school, and it felt so different, even at six years old.
Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart. Our babies know nothing about hate or racism.
It’s not about color. It’s about people. I think we all know that. If we are ever going to make real change, it’s got to be through education.
My message is really that racism has no place in the hearts and minds of our children.
We must absolutely take care of one another.
I want people to remember that it was the actions of all of us that brought about change.
I believe that if we are to be a great nation, we must not only act, but dream; not only plan, but believe.
I was the first black child to go to an all-white school in the South.
I was the first black child to go to an all-white school in the South.
History is about where we come from and can help us determine where we are going.
I pray for my enemies, that they will know the same peace that I know.
The world we live in should be an inclusive place where all children, regardless of their race, can learn and grow together.
We must do everything in our power to educate the next generation about the dangers of racism and the power of unity.
My mother had taught me that the only way to get through anything was to put one foot in front of the other.
If kids don’t learn about hate and racism, they won’t need to unlearn it when they are adults.
I think history is the core of any society and we should know about it and respect it.
You cannot look at a person and tell whether they’re good or bad. You’ve got to get to know them.
We all have to live together, so we might as well live together happily.
It’s important that we share our stories and speak up about the injustices we face.
Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.
My faith in God and my belief that we are all his children have helped me stay strong.
There’s so much more work to be done, and it starts with each of us doing our part.
I like to share my story with young people, because I know that my experience can be a light for them.
Racism, in any form, is a poison that can destroy our communities and our children.
The more we know about our past, the better we can shape our future.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ruby Bridges Quotes

What is Ruby Bridges’ famous quote?

One of Ruby Bridges’ famous quotes is, “Racism is a grown-up disease, and we should stop using our kids to spread it.” This quote reminds us that children are not born with hate; they learn it from adults. Ruby Bridges’ words teach us the importance of love and acceptance.

What is Ruby Bridges’ most famous quote?

Ruby Bridges’ most famous quote might be, “Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail.” This inspirational quote encourages us to be brave and make our own way, just like Ruby did when she was a little girl going to a new school.

What was Ruby Bridges’ quote about fear?

A well-known Ruby Bridges quote about fear is, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” This quote shows her courage and helps us understand that being afraid should not stop us from doing what is right.

What are some famous quotes from Ruby Bridges?

There are many famous quotes from Ruby Bridges that inspire us. Here are a few:

  • “None of our kids come into the world racist. And so, if they can learn to be racist, they can learn not to be.”
  • “Evil isn’t prejudiced. It doesn’t care what you look like; it just wants to take any of us down.”
  • “Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart. Our babies know nothing about hate or racism.”

These Ruby Bridges quotes and sayings remind us of the importance of teaching love and kindness.

What are some deep Ruby Bridges quotes?

Ruby Bridges has shared many deep quotes that make us think about life and how we treat others. Here are a couple:

  • “We must absolutely take care of one another.”
  • “My message is really that racism has no place in the hearts and minds of our children.”

These quotes by Ruby Bridges show her wisdom and her hope for a better world.

Why are Ruby Bridges’ quotes important?

Ruby Bridges’ quotes are important because they teach us about bravery, equality, and the power of love. Her experiences as a child and her words today help us understand how we can make the world a better place for everyone. Famous quotes of Ruby Bridges inspire us to stand up for what is right and to treat everyone with respect.

What can we learn from Ruby Bridges’ quotes?

From Ruby Bridges’ quotes, we can learn the importance of courage, kindness, and standing up against racism. Quotes from Ruby Bridges remind us that even small actions can lead to big changes. Her words encourage us to be brave and to always treat others with love and respect.

How can Ruby Bridges’ quotes inspire children?

Ruby Bridges’ quotes can inspire children by showing them that they have the power to make a difference. Quotes about Ruby Bridges’ life teach kids that they should never be afraid to stand up for what is right. Her story and words can motivate children to be kind and brave, just like she was.

What is a quote from Ruby Bridges about education?

A famous quote from Ruby Bridges about education is, “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” This quote highlights the importance of learning and how it can open up many opportunities in life.

Why should we share Ruby Bridges’ quotes with others?

Sharing Ruby Bridges’ quotes with others can spread her important messages about love, equality, and bravery. Famous quotes by Ruby Bridges can inspire people to make positive changes in their communities. When we share her words, we help keep her legacy alive and remind others of the power of kindness.

What are some inspirational quotes from Ruby Bridges?

Here are some inspirational quotes from Ruby Bridges:

  • “History is about where we come from and can help us determine where we are going.”
  • “The greatest lesson I learned that year in Mrs. Henry’s class was the lesson Dr. King tried to teach us all: Never judge people by the color of their skin.”

These quotes for Ruby Bridges inspire us to learn from the past and to always treat others with fairness.

What is a quote from Ruby Bridges about kindness?

A quote from Ruby Bridges about kindness is, “We all have to live together, so we might as well live together happily.” This quote teaches us the importance of being kind to one another and creating a happy world.

How do Ruby Bridges’ quotes help fight racism?

Ruby Bridges’ quotes help fight racism by reminding us that everyone deserves to be treated equally. Her words encourage us to stand up against unfairness and to teach our children about love and respect. Famous quotes Ruby Bridges shared make us think about how we can make a difference in the fight against racism.

What is Ruby Bridges’ quote about unity?

Ruby Bridges said, “We must do everything in our power to educate the next generation about the dangers of racism and the power of unity.” This quote emphasizes the importance of teaching children about coming together and standing against hate.

Why is Ruby Bridges’ story and her quotes important today?

Ruby Bridges’ story and her quotes are important today because they remind us that the fight for equality is ongoing. Quotes by Ruby Bridges inspire us to continue working towards a fair and just world. Her experiences and words teach us valuable lessons about bravery and kindness.

What is a famous quote from Ruby Bridges about peace?

A famous quote from Ruby Bridges about peace is, “I pray for my enemies, that they will know the same peace that I know.” This quote shows her deep belief in forgiveness and the power of peace.

How can we use Ruby Bridges’ quotes in our daily lives?

We can use Ruby Bridges’ quotes in our daily lives by remembering her words of wisdom and trying to live by them. Quotes from Ruby Bridges can remind us to be kind, brave, and to stand up for what is right. We can share her quotes with friends and family to inspire them too.

What is a short Ruby Bridges quote about making a difference?

A short Ruby Bridges quote about making a difference is, “If kids don’t learn about hate and racism, they won’t need to unlearn it when they are adults.” This quote reminds us that teaching children love and acceptance is crucial for a better future.

What is a quote from Ruby Bridges about the future?

A quote from Ruby Bridges about the future is, “The more we know about our past, the better we can shape our future.” This quote highlights the importance of learning from history to create a better tomorrow.

Why are quotes from Ruby Bridges still relevant?

Quotes from Ruby Bridges are still relevant because they address issues of racism, equality, and kindness that are important today. Her words continue to inspire and motivate people to work towards a more just and loving world. Ruby Bridges famous quotes remind us that we all have a role in making the world a better place.

Ruby Bridges quotes and sayings are powerful reminders of the strength and courage it takes to stand up against racism. Her words continue to inspire people of all ages to strive for equality and to treat everyone with kindness and respect. By sharing and reflecting on these quotes, we can all contribute to a more inclusive and understanding world.

