How to create an effective study plan

Dr. Snigdha Pandey
2 min readMar 3, 2019

A guide to creating a study plan that’s tailor made for you.

Every individual is different, so it is natural that they have different ways of learning the same concept.

Here are some steps which can help you achieve a more effective study plan :

  • Know yourself. Try to remember what type of learning methods in the past have served you well. Was it spaced repetition? Or learning it then and there? Did you like to read out loud or write it down?Do you learn better in a group discussion or are you someone who likes to study in silence?The best method for you to study is something only you can figure out. A conventional teaching programme in a class engages all your senses and is one of the best methods to learn, if executed well. Visual or audio? Tables or maps? Picture or text? What is most easy to recollect, for you? If you don’t know yet, try them out now and take a pick. Attempt to align your study material to what suits you best.
  • Goal. Your study method is one, but your goal is a stronger tool for a plan in the long run. Your goal will always be to do your best. Apart from that a real, practical goal is possibly, to crack an exam, or to understand a concept. This will help you gain clarity to prioritize what to study.
  • Study material. Once you have your goal figured out, use this to make your study material of choice. Please be wise and choose according to your need.
  • Faith. Have faith, stop second guessing and give it a fair shot. Have faith in your method, you never know what will unfold.

These are just a few tips to help you come closer to effective studying. It is more about knowing what works for you. Be true to what you are, and you will find your way. As you are unique, so will your method be.

Find the writer at: Dr. Snigdha Pandey



Dr. Snigdha Pandey

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