Make Marijuana weed Tea

Muhammad Ali
3 min readFeb 2, 2017

marijuana tea is a question that many folks who smoke or develop marijuana frequently ask. learning a way to make marijuana weed tea is very simple and calls for very few components. learning the way to make marijuana tea is similar to making marijuana milk in case you are acquainted with that system.


half gram (or greater) of your preferred indica, sativa or any aggregate of each marijuana.

three cups of water

2 tablespoons of coconut oil or butter.

the way to make marijuana tea instructions:

1. first you will need to get around half gram of your favored marijuana and grind it up as great as you may.

(some that i advocate are barneys farm g13 haze, inexperienced residence seeds cheese, or la private)

2. get small pot and put 3 cups of water in.

3. flip the range onto the very best putting feasible and convey the water to a boil.

4. add the 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or butter.

5. add the 1/2 gram of ground up marijuana.

6. even as leaving the range on the very best warmness putting and having the water violently boiling, stir each short while ensuring that any of the marijuana on the facet of the put is driven back into the water. you can also check how to make weed tea with stems

*word: the point of creating marijuana tea is to extract the thc from the plant. in view that thc is not soluble in water on my own it calls for a fatty substance to hold onto under excessive warmness. with the aggregate of the high warmth from the boiling water then the butter that changed into introduced to the aggregate the thc may be eliminated from the marijuana for ingesting functions.

7. all in favor of the marijuana, water and butter to boil on excessive warmness for as a minimum half-hour. the longer you are inclined to attend the greater thc that will be extracted. from my enjoy 30–40 minutes is usually a perfect time.

*note: even as the water is boiling on excessive warmth, the water will start to evaporate fairly quick. do no longer turn it on and walk away for a 1/2 an hour or the water can be gone while you return. watch and stir each short while and as more water as had to preserve that the water stage is similar to when you started out.

8. after at least 30 minutes, you can run the water through a strainer into a cup big sufficient to keep all of the liquid. now that the thc is eliminated from the marijuana and now clinging to the butter you not need the green.

9. the marijuana tea may be very hot so be very careful and allow it cool for 5 mins.

10. add one of your favorite tea bags to add greater flavor, or drink as is.

11. enjoy! as with most matters consumed orally it’ll take 45–60 mins for the tea to take its complete effect.

*word: be organized to get very stoned. despite handiest a half of gram this recipe is a great deal stronger then it appears. many people have felt the results for up to 12 hours from ingesting the tea!

12. after you have made and consumed the marijuana tea, go away a remark below telling us how the manner went for you and how the effects were!

hope this enables! experience! tell me how this worked out for you in a comment beneath!

