John Smith
3 min readApr 12, 2019


Here, people are discussing about the negativities of social media and everyone is so adamant on proving social media and its bad effects therefore, I would like to come and stand for the advantages of it in my life.

Interestingly, these are different from browsing and connecting to people for a social circle kind of stories.

“The social media actually is a venture with numerous impossibilities ready to turn possible in the best way ever. Those who get hands on these impossibilities by gripping to the roots of social media advantages will never lose an online battle in any field of the e-commerce market.”

People out there believe social media is being used an abusive platform for advertising vulgarity and setting fire in the peace of youth. In my opinion, social media is a great way to promote only. The final turn goes on the advertisers themselves whether they wish to market offensive sequence or an authentic and beneficial knowledge to the world. I am a social media executive of an e-commerce company that basically runs an online social media website of online coupons codes deals and online discounts codes deals for online shopping lovers all over the world.


The world of social media is not limited to Twitter and Facebook only. Of course there are several famous and perfect social media platforms or websites that can bring in an effective result for marketing. While people spend their time on Facebook abusing others and sharing their ‘Five stars for Italian pasta must try!’ stories, I go through the analytics to find out which food is browsed the most and how can its picture attract a visitor towards my website. The social media marketing commonly known as SMM is an individual field of online digital marketing and it can bring in a lot to those who can utilize it properly.

I do not only provide the online promotion codes deals and its details to the social media platform but I also let people benefit in terms of money and savings. The point is not about connecting to thousands and being famous. It actually is to let people get hands on all sorts of items in their desired rates and encourage them to shop online. Definitely I am a marketer and my purpose is to market. But I do not work to promote my site, but my tactics lie in helping individuals know about e-commerce world and its opportunities.


Safety from anything is as impossible as it is possible. No wonder youth and kids go on the wrong ways while browsing on social media and many times end up getting scared and disoriented of the dark realities around. Yet it nowhere means leaving social media and shutting off from the world is a solution for all issues. This may solve one problem or two but never can it be a permanent relief from everything.

“Online is old news. Online in social media is today’s news. Social media is not a subset of the internet, social media is the internet!”

Staying away from the good or the bad is a person’s own choice. The mature generation around us needs to decide on its own whether the social media is to be used in a positive way or a negative way. I agree kids acquire a check and balance on using social media but Duh! Everything a child does is worthy of check and balance henceforth blaming social media for this is not a fair deal. Just like it helps me in promoting my online free shipping deals and online shopping discount offers for the online coupon site, it can help many in unlimited ways.

Will keep discussing the topic with some more of my opinions surely! If you are interested in reading more please keep connected and do share your views for a better discussion on the social media.

