FAQ of a New Well Owner

Muskoka Wells Drilling
2 min readJul 23, 2022


If you own or are interested in a new well, you probably have a number of questions, and the following guide will provide some answers:

Can a well be drilled during the winter?

Wells can be drilled throughout the year, including winter. The cold will slow it down a bit and the process may take longer, but it is possible to drill a residential well in the winter and the project would not cost more because drilling companies charge by the foot and not by the hour, so you don’t have to worry about this aspect. The average residential drilling project takes a couple of days to complete, but it can take a week if it’s cold. In fact, some well locations are more feasible during the winter because when the ground freezes, it allows technicians to access and drill places that would be impossible to reach during the summer.

Is a drilled well or a dug well better?

A drilled well is almost always safe from biological contamination and less affected by the seasonal quantity and quality problems compared to a dug well. Another thing to consider is the cost, and it is generally the same for a properly constructed dug, and drilled well. It’s also important to note that selling a home with a drilled well is much easier than selling a home with a dug well, and this is because dug wells often don’t meet certain bank standards, so they’ll turn down a mortgage as an option. option. option. option. result.

Is it expensive to install a new well?

It’s hard to say how much a new well will cost because it’s impossible to determine how deep technicians will have to drill. A reputable company will provide you with a detailed model for your area, and this will include best and worst-case scenarios and the information will be based on wells that already exist in your area. The company will update you every step of the way and inform you of any new information before proceeding with the process. Other factors like salt contamination, oil contamination, and equipment failure will also affect the price. Communicate with your piercer from start to finish.

What should I do if I have bacteria in my well?

Stop drinking the water immediately and do not use the water to brush your teeth. You should boil your water before drinking or using it in food, and you should call a professional drilling and pumping company right away. They will tell you why you are experiencing this issue and provide a solution. Do not pour bleach down your well, as this is unsafe and ineffective.

Muskoka Wells Drilling and Pump Services can help you with all of your wellness needs. If you’d like more information or have additional questions, contact us today!

