Customer Support and F***ing Helicopters.

Link Texting
How to Build Killer Products
3 min readOct 22, 2014

tldr: This is how our favorite companies do great customer support and helicopters.

Helicopters are awesome. One of our favorite companies sent us a remote controlled helicopter as an appreciation of our patience.

When Brian and I started, we decided that we wanted to offer killer support and make a seamless user experience.

This involves being pretty attentive. We revisited some of our favorite companies and witnessed how they took extra efforts to provide truly valuable support as well as address the psychological needs of the user.

Our Favorite Founders go the extra mile on support and engagement.

One of our advisors/friends and consummate builders we talked to recommended the following when addressing support issues. Brian and I noticed that the products we tend to fall in love with are the ones which have passionate founders who are hellbent on delivering an A to Z experience that doesn’t suffer.


David Chen at Strikingly reached out to me to grab coffee when I first signed up for the service about 2 years ago. I was impressed and I never forgot David or his company.


I’m reminded of Dan Martell at who calls customers pseudorandomly every Thursday to engage them. I don’t use but I’ll never forget his call.

Digit App Experiences

I found out about Digit through ProductHunt. It’s an easy way to automate savings. I was stoked.

I had so many issues signing up for the Digit app. After syncing it with my bank account, the screen would remain stuck, but surprisingly I didn’t care because the response from Digit’s support was stellar. Have a look below….

Their response time was all of about 5 minutes.

What they did next after multiple attempts of me completely failing at logging in, completely surprised me.

Eventually after about 7 tries, I got the app working.

The next day in the mail, I got a freaking helicopter!!!!!!!!

There is no way in hell I will ever forget Digit. If you need to save money, use them.

It’s not the helicopter, it’s the thought that counts.

Okay, so the point here is not the helicopter. To be quite frank, they could have sent me a simple postcard. It’s the simple fact that they did something memorable and had rapid response times. While pulling me through the funnel they maintained humor, candor, and attentiveness.

The thoughts that really count.

I was reminded again of this type of customer driven thinking when I watched Kevin Hale’s How to Start a Startup speech. Watch the segment below, you’ll enjoy it. (28m58s is gold.)

Got a great story about a company doing killer support? Share it with us.

Tweet us @datarade, @linktexting, or @blaurenceclark or email us at support (at)

