[Project] E commerce Website — Bespoke Tailor Sam’s Studio

Lin Min Jung
6 min readFeb 18, 2017


Paper prototype v2

I just finished the third week UX courses in GA Melbourne. It was nice to see others’ projects and get feedback from instructors and classmates yesterday. I found time box is a great tool to manage the time. We had to hand out desktop version of lo-fi prototype in two weeks.

My design process in this project :
Understanding the client>Competitors Analysis>User interviews>Affinity mapping>Persona>Problem Statement & Hypothesis>User Story Mapping>User Flow>Ideation (Crazy8)>Card Sorting>Sitemap>Design-Wireframes>Prototype v1>Usability testing>Adjust the Design>Usability testing >Find the posibility of Mobile version

My Client-Bespoke tailor Sam

“Automation can’t replace Craftsmanship ! ”

He just started his custom suits business and has an extremely tight budget. Though he doesn’t own a fancy show room, he insisted to do the measurement himself in his small studio. He needs a website to expose his services and selling accessories for suits online.

Main Service : Custom suits
Others : Sell Accessories (Tie/Cufflink/Pocket square…)

He has ready-made sample suits in different sizes for his customers to try on during the measurement.
He wants to provide affordable custom suits for his customers.

Business Goal


^ Project Runway Season 14 winner Ashley inspired Tailor Sam a lot / Photo credit — Ashley Nell Tipton

Competitors Analysis

Carlos, Simon, Garry and I have similar clients- “Cloth store owner”. In order to know more about e commerce websites, we did a general clothing shopping websites competitive analysis together.

Carlos, Simon, Garry and I analyzed five general and international clothing shopping websites.
General clothing shopping websites analysis

After the general clothing online stores analysis, I focused on my client tailor Sam. I analyzed websites of Bespoke tailors in Australia and online custom suits websites.

Competitors analysis — Bespoke Tailors’ website

After making enquiries to these tailors, some of them called me back to make a further appointment for custom suit consulting. I told them I need a suit for induction after two weeks. Though none of them can achieve the task as it takes about 3 to 6 weeks to finish a suit, some of them suggested me to send them the styles and color I like and try to make one for me earlier and some guaranteed me the suit consulting service is FREE. These reactions make user feel they are sincere and trying to solve user’s problems.

Competitive Analysis — Online custom suit
Measurement Guide From “Tailor Mark”

All of the online custom suit website ask users to do the measurement themselves and you can see how complicated they are !

User Interview

Then I did guerrilla interview.
I interviewed people about their shopping experience including purchasing a custom suit.

Interview Questions :
When do you buy clothes?
How was your last online shopping experience ?
Who do you usually go shopping with?
How do you decide what items you’d like to buy?
Why don’t you like online shopping clothes?
Have you had experience of purchasing a custom suit?
How was that experience?

Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

There are some quotes stood out after we finished the affinity mapping:
I want to be inspired
I want to feel and try the clothing
I don’t like in-store shopping experience
These clothes in online store are for slim people not for ME !



According to the Affinity mapping, I made this persona - Tim.
Unhappy instore experience and the need for custom suits

Problem Statement & Hypothesis

Base on Persona Tim …
Problem Statement :
Tim needs a way to take his time browsing styles and fabric for the custom suit online because he has a tight schedule and had bad in-store experience.

How might we…
make the on-line custom suits consulting experience fun?
enable Tim to choose the types and fabric of the suits without a tailor?

Hypothesis :
We believe that providing a way for Tim browsing fabric and suit types online, we will make him more willing to buy a custom suit.
We will know this to be true when we see Tim pay for a custom suit happily and is willing to introduce tailor Sam to his friends.


Tim’s journey of purchasing a custom suit from Tailor Sam

User Story Mapping

According to the purchasing custom suits experiences that most interviewees described.

User Flow

The final version of User Flow after four iteration

Base on persona and user story mapping, I made user flow. In previous version, I added physical activities such as going to the studio and meet the tailor which made the user flow too complicated.

Design ideation — Crazy 12

Worst ideas I could think of

It’s a fun tool giving me some inspiration solving problems in various ways.

Information Architecture -Card Sorting

After receiving products lists, services and discussion what he expected for the website. I did card sorting — Open and close , sorting by items and users’ activities. All of the participants said they’re pretty straight forward.

Card Sorting — Trish was my first participant


According to the results of card sorting


Desktop Version Ideation Research

The picture below gave me inspiration of how a user browsing and choosing clothes.

Vintage paper doll / Character panel from video game Sim City 4

Usability Testing — Prototype V1

Maria and Elaine were doing the paper prototype testing

After understanding users’ feedback, I did some design adjustment afterwards.
Prototype V1 on Invision : https://invis.io/DTAGNKHVB

Usability Testing — Prototype V2

Carlos was testing prototype v2

Prototype V2 on Invision : https://invis.io/DTAGNKHVB

Mobile Version Ideation-Purchase a Custom Suit

I found myself writing “Swipe” on my paper prototype for desktop version

Desktop version Pros & Cons:
Pros- Show more information on the same page
Cons-Users need to “Click” many times to achieve the task

Possibilities on Mobile Device:
Pros- Less information shown on a same page because of the screen size
Cons-Their are more interactions a user can do on a mobile phone such as swipe, shake and tap …..
How a user react to the website is much more closer than on a desktop version.

“Maybe I can create a fun browsing and choosing experience on a mobile phone ! ”

Swipe up and down to browse and choose a figure
Swipe left and write to change the clothes on the figure
A drop down menu at top right to choose which product a user want to browse.


I adjusted the orders of describing my design process after receiving feedback from instructors and classmates after my presentation. I like this project very much. It reminded me of those playing paper dolls’ good old days while making prototypes and it was fun to pretend I’m purchasing a suit via phone (Though some tailors insisted they refused to make suits for women disappointed me abit…)

I’ll make this website into a real one when I find Tailor Sam. Ha ha ha !

I’m looking forward to next project !

