MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition Customization

2 min readNov 1, 2023


Are you ready to make your Linux experience truly your own? MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition is here, and it brings with it the power and versatility of the Xfce desktop 4.18 series. In this article, we’ll explore the world of MX Linux 23 Xfce customization, allowing you to craft a personalized and highly efficient desktop environment.

Customizing MX Linux 23 Xfce:

MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition comes with the feature-rich Xfce desktop 4.18 series, making it a great choice for those who appreciate speed, stability, and flexibility. The customization possibilities are virtually endless, and this article will guide you through the process step by step.

Documentation for Various Distributions:

But customization isn’t limited to MX Linux 23 Xfce. We also provide documentation for Debian-based distributions, Fedora-based distributions, and Arch-based distributions. You can tailor your Linux experience no matter which distribution you prefer. Download Documentation

Video Tutorials:

To make your customization journey even more accessible, we’ve created a series of video tutorials. Follow along with the Video Final Result to see what’s possible, explore the Video Tutorial Step-by-step to learn the ins and outs, and check out Video Additional Setups for advanced configurations.

Resource Files:

We’ve also made resource files available to enhance your customization options. Download Resource Files to access a wealth of themes, icons, and wallpapers to personalize your desktop environment.

Default Wallpaper:

If you want to begin with a fresh canvas, we provide the default wallpaper used in the MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition. Download Default Wallpaper and start your customization journey with a clean slate.

MX Linux 23 Xfce Edition offers a fantastic platform for customization, and with our documentation, video tutorials, and resource files, you’ll have the tools you need to create a Linux desktop that’s uniquely yours. It’s time to take control and craft your perfect computing environment.

