Linxia Beauty Works
3 min readMay 16, 2022


In the current beauty industry, the trend of using eyelash extensions is booming to the point where many women are choosing to wear them daily. Unlike traditional false eyelashes that require nightly removal, particular eyelash extensions give the appearance of long, fluttery lashes without damaging natural lashes.

Although eyelash extensions add flair to one’s natural beauty, not everyone is willing to give up mascara and other eye products. Many women feel that mascara provides an extra glamour, and they feel incomplete without it. To get the perfect look with eyelash extensions, you need to look for a professional salon for Eyelashes Extension River North Chicago .

Among the many women who wear mascara, eyelash-extension enthusiasts take their look to a whole new level with the help of this practice. This article will describe how lash extensions and mascara can work together for a flawless application.

Benefits of Wearing Mascara on Eyelash Extensions.

Mascara is a popular product for eye makeup, as it enhances natural lashes. Although eyelash extensions offer a flawless look, regular upkeep is essential. With proper care, you can keep your eyelashes looking salon fresh. Here are some of the benefits:

1. A beautiful look — Mascara gives your eyelashes a natural and beautiful appearance, perfect for those who want to wear makeup but do not want to wear it every day.

2. Longer lashes — Your natural lashes can be made longer with mascara so that your eyes will look bigger and brighter.

3. Thicker Lashes — The same pigment that makes lashes appear longer also makes them appear thicker. As the mascara dries, it will help to create a fuller appearance for your eyelashes.

4. Dramatic Look — You can get an even more dramatic look when you apply mascara on top of eyelash extensions than if you were just wearing eyelash extensions alone. The mascara will help add color and definition to the lashes while making them blend in better with your natural lashes.

Type of Mascara to avoid with Lash Extensions

To understand how eyelash extensions and mascara work together, you first must know the type of mascara to avoid lash extensions. Let’s explore the types of mascara and get a better understanding of each.

1. Waterproof Mascara — Waterproof mascara is not a good idea if you’ve chosen to go with lash extensions. Water-resistant mascaras are challenging to remove without rigorous rubbing, pulling, or tugging, which can cause lash extensions to fall out prematurely.

2. Fiber Mascara — Though fiber mascaras are excellent for natural lashes, they are not recommended for lash extensions. Infused with dry fibers like nylon and silk, these mascaras can be very difficult to remove. This can harm your extensions and natural lashes, causing a premature fall.

3. Tube Mascara — Tube mascara forms tubes around individual eyelashes. Since the mascara sticks like tar onto lash extensions, it damages them. The product is unsafe and not recommended for use with extensions.

Final Thought

Although the general consent among lash extension specialists is that you can safely wear mascara with extensions, you

just have to avoid using the mascara mentioned above on your eyelash extensions. If you want to get the natural eyelashes extension in Chicago, book your appointment with Linxia Beauty Works. They offer the highest quality eyelash extension that suits you the best.

