How To Create An Excellent Title For Your Amazon Listing

4 min readAug 13, 2018


An excellent title is an important factor in creating a popular listing. It is also a direct source of the traffic for buyers to search for. A good title allows buyers to make correct and fast purchases.

So how to create an Amazon title, what are the routines?

Title Components

Normally, a complete listing title is the most important thing in product release. The top priority is the keyword selection, but these will be another topic in the later stage. Here, let’s talk about basic elements of the title.

Common Composition:

Brand + Model + KW1 + KW2 + KW3 + KW4 + Function + Color/ Size < 200Words


Amazon definitely prefers brand sellers. It is paying more and more attention to the brand building. Many traffic leads to the brand sellers. Also brand sellers can decorate and edit their own stores.

The brand directly prevents from listing hijack.


Give your product a special symbol (model), this symbol may be recognized in the market already, but if you have your own brand, then you can customize the product model , this is the symbol of your product, represents tonality of the your brand.

The model is a better way for buyers to remember your brand.


In fact, there are many categories of keywords, such as core keywords, broad keywords, long tail keywords, and precise keywords. However, it is definitely the core keyword will be right after the brand word in the title.

Take keyboards for example, broad keywords such as keyboard, core keywords such as bluetooth keyboard or wireless keyboard, long tail keywords such as 2.4GHz Keyboard for Smart TV, precision keywords directly lock specific models such as MK520 wireless keyboard.

Normally buyers who search for precise keyword, the purpose of entering the word has been very clear, and the conversion rate is also relatively high.

Keywords is the most important source of the search traffic, specially the core keywords.

The Scope of Application

For example, the electronics products, it may be good to describe the compatibility related stuffs in your title. The scope of application can guide the customer to make correct decision of purchase.

Product Characteristics

The last part of the title basically provides information on the material, size or color, to enrich the product details, thus enhance the buyer’s awareness of the product.

Title Tips

The above mentioned a common composition of a title, it is just for your reference only.

Here I will list some tips on creating a title:

1. The first letter of each word must be capitalized, except for conjunctions, articles, prepositions, such as conjunctions: and, or, for; articles: the, a, an, less than 5 prepositions: in , on , Over , with) , and words should not be all uppercase or lowercase.

2. Do not use any special characters or symbols, such as: @,#,$,&,* etc

3. The title should be concise, but not be too short or too long, around 100–180 characters.

4. Do not use any promotional information that is not related to the product, such as: free shipping, best sale, great promotion, new arrival, 2017 fashion

5. Do not put any other seller’s brand, it is useless, and may receive infringement warnings at any time. such as: oscillating saw blade dewalt, you thought it is a long tail keyword, but actually dewalt is a brand.

6: Do not put the seller’s name in the title (unless the name is the brand), the seller’s email, phone number and other information.

7: Do not exaggerate and fake data in order to get the exposure/traffic.

8: Use abbreviation if needed. For example, TV will be with more traffic than Television.

And the final tip, is to learn from your competitions. You should do some research of the title of your competitions, up to 5–10 sellers, and organize them with some tools, so that you will grasp what are the core keywords and improve yours in the end.



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