Chapter 04: Four Months of Love.

Gavi Andrez
Mar 22, 2024


Meeting again with you in the fourth month feels great. I've been really happy spending time with you all this time. My feelings for you haven't changed since we first met, if anything, they've only gotten stronger. Thank you for accepting me and being such an amazing girlfriend—beautiful, kind, and endlessly amusing; you encompass everything I could ever desire.

Moving forward, let’s promise to talk things out when there’s a problem. I don’t want anything left unsaid in our relationship. I care about you a lot, Selwa. And I’m sorry if I haven’t been the perfect boyfriend; I’ll do my best to improve. Let’s grow together and become better versions of ourselves.

That’s about it. Essentially, I, Gaviz, am proud to be your boyfriend. I love you loads. Let’s meet again in the upcoming months.

