A Few Thoughts on Personal Growth

Brandon Lipman
2 min readNov 7, 2016


Today, I finally regained access to my go-to writing app, Ulysses. It has been a little over six months since I had seen what I had written (since it syncs with iCloud). As I read through my drafts I could not help but be humbled at my own progression.

As I read through some of my drafts from just six months ago I can hardly believe how much I have learned since then. One draft in particular on Google Analytics (ten months old) was really telling. I knew Google Analytics well but I did not have mastery or have an appreciation of the intricacies and shortcomings of the platform like I do today.

While this progress is great to see as it’s evidence that I am constantly improving it also reminds me that there is so much more I have to learn. In 6 months from now will I again look back and be surprised/embarrassed at my level of knowledge? Hopefully so.

It reminds me of one of my favorite posts by Ryan Hoover. Just as he was leaving Play Haven and before he founded Product Hunt he wrote a post on what he learned and why he was leaving. He quoted Nathan Bashaw now founder of Hardbound.

When you look back at yourself six months from today and don’t feel embarrassed by your naiveté, there’s a problem. That means you’re not learning, growing.

If I look back over the last 12 months I am super excited about what I have accomplished and learned. But there have been some hard days. I booked a flight to SFO for an interview and then it got canceled the day of. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. However, that trip to SF was one the best ones I had. It reconfirmed how much I absolutely love this industry. Then I was told about the Growth Marketing Conference that was going on at the time. Big thanks to Sean Shepard of Growth X for telling me about it.

I thought I knew growth marketing but boy did I learn a lot. Hearing the approach and tactics of some of the best growth practitioners gave me an entirely new perspective. I finished off my Moleskin notebook at the time with 10 pages of notes.

Originally Published At lipmanb.com.



Brandon Lipman

Growth Marketing Consultant For Venture-Backed Companies @Redwhale. Follow me @lipmanb